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(Unedited bc it's like 3am rn 😂)

Evie's view:

I rubbed my eyes as they continued to adjust to the sunlight floating through my room.

It was Sunday morning and normally I woke up early to go on a run before Addie and I went to the farmers market.

When I was a child Sunday's were for dressing up nice and going to church service. But I wasn't a child anymore.

My falling out with the church happened as I got older and I began to disagree with how things were ran. I still believed but in private.

My modesty has however followed me forever. I think it was also because I just wasn't confident enough to wear revealing clothing. I didn't like attention and I wasn't the best at loving my body for what it is.

I got dressed in my workout clothing and went on my daily Sunday run that usually took about an hour.

When I got back I could hear Addie in the shower. In the mean time I started our coffee and made my way to my own bathroom to shower.

"Hey I hope you don't mind but Hannah is coming and she's bringing Lily" Addie yelled into my bathroom.

"Okay that's fi— Wait What?!"

"Calm down.. I didn't want you to be lonely and Hannah wanted to hang out with me plus lily was already with her. So don't be mad, I couldn't exactly say no"

I pouted turning the shower off and wrapping my towel around me.

"Look I have no issue with your girlfriend coming but you knew I've been avoiding Lily" I walked over the sink and pulled out my brush from one of the drawers below.

"I know but I couldn't say no Evie! Maybe she won't even bring what happened up" Addie said shrugging.

Sighing I brushed my hair thinking of all the lies I could come up with for why I was avoiding lily.

. . .

The gravel below my feet crunched as I walked alongside Addie who held hands with her girlfriend Hannah.

Lily was on the other side awkwardly silent because neither of us knew what to say.

"Look! The beekeepers are back! Let's go get some honey" Addie pointed out.

All four of us walked over to the small stand and looked over their products.

"I heard you do this every Sunday... you and Addie" lily said walking up to the stand next to me.

"Yeah.. we've done it every Sunday that they're here since we moved in together" I looked down at the jar in my hand.

I could see lily nod out of the corner of my eye.

"You look really pretty today" She said trying to make conversation.

"Thanks.." I mumbled looking up squinting at her because of the blinding sunlight.

We paid for our honey and kept on walking around the market buying produce we needed until Addie decided to stop for lunch.

The market was set up almost like a fashion mall so there were eateries built in so you could grab a bite.

All of us ordered and sat outside at a picnic table since the weather was nice.

Addie and Hannah talked amongst themselves leaving the awkward silence between Lily and myself deafening.

"You know we don't have to talk about what happened that night right? I put two and two together realizing that she was one of your kid's moms. I can see why you were embarrassed" Lily finally spoke.

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