twenty six

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*Honestly when is my shit ever edited*

Evie's view:

"Can you curl it like yours?" Sophia asked as I brushed her wet hair.

"Maybe next time. But it's not good to start using heat on your hair so young." I replied smiling at her through the mirror.

Yesterday went very well, not that I hadn't expected it not to.

I was just worried Valentina would show up randomly because of how badly she's been wanting to see Sophia since she found out that her daughter has been at my apartment.

"Can we make pancakes?" Sophia asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Uh sure I don't see why not, it is the weekend and we have enough time before I have to go run to the grocery store." I said setting the brush aside and moving back.

Sophia stepped down from the stool and smiled running off to the kitchen already giggling with excitement. So far I have learned that she's a very bubbly child, sometimes she hesitates though to express her personality. I say this because I notice her looking at me sometimes trying to figure out if I approve or not of her behavior. Like she thinks I'm going snap at her all of a sudden for giggling about something.

It makes me dislike Parker even more than I did before.

Every child deserves to live a life where they can freely express themselves how they want. My goal while Sophia lives with me is to show her, she can do just that.

She can giggle all she wants, well.. until bed time. She can run around and play, pretending she's a dragon knight or bake all the cookies in the world. Hell she can wear boy dinosaur t-shirts and play football if she wanted.

Anything she set her mind to, she could do.

And I'd be right there supporting her along the way. So long as she's in my company.

"Come on Evie! Let's make pancakes!" Sophia giggled searching my kitchen cabinets for a mixing bowl and utensils.

"I'm coming! Let me just grab some aprons!" I yelled from down the hall.

. . .

The rest of the morning Sophia and I made more pancakes than we needed until Addie woke up along with Hannah who stayed the night.

Both women loved having Sophia around, and Sophia was fond of my friends company too after spending some time with them yesterday.

We all ate breakfast together until I needed to get ready myself. Addie and Hannah watched Sophia for me while I got dressed. As I did this my cellphone went off alerting me of a text message.

It was from Valentina, asking me how Sophia was doing so far with her new setting.

E: She's good Val. We made pancakes this morning and are gonna run to the grocery store real quick after.

I replied back to her and continued doing my makeup until she replied.

V: Good. I was worried she'd have a hard time adjusting. But I have no doubt knowing you, you likely made her feel at home already. Keep me updated. I'll be in a meeting with my lawyers until the evening while Abby has the girls. Call me later, I love you x

I smiled down at the text message and told Valentina I loved her too before putting my phone away in my purse. After cleaning up in my room I walked back out into the living room seeing Sophia putting her shoes on while Addie and Hannah were watching tv on the couch.

"Alright guys, we'll be back later if you're still here. Are you ready Sophia?" I directed towards my friends first then to Sophia.

"Ready!" Sophia said hopping up from the floor and grabbing my hand as she smiled up brightly at me. I grinned back and said goodbye to my friends on the couch then walked out the front door hand in hand with a mini Valentina.

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