twenty nine

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Evie's view:

Dinner was ridiculously awkward. Baylor left once she was done cooking because she felt unwelcome with Valentina here.

I didn't blame her though.
She tends to have that affect.

Neither one of us spoke to one another. Sophia did most of the talking and we'd reply to her and only her.

I never stared that long at my plate in my whole life. I was bound to have neck problems by tomorrow morning.

After we were all done eating, Sophia took Valentina to her room to go play for a bit until it was time for bed.

Currently I was washing the dishes and putting away left overs in the fridge.

I wasn't sure how the rest of tonight would go once Sophia went to bed. I just hoped for no more fighting.

I'd rather have Valentina leave immediately right after and not attempt at having another conversation. I don't think I'd be able to keep it together if she did.

I sighed rubbing my forehead and walked to my room passing by Sophia's room. Briefly I heard the two of them talking about something but I wasn't 100% sure on what it was.

I closed my door quietly and checked the time before I slipped into the shower real quick.

As I undressed myself in the restroom I felt like I was taking layers of emotional pain off too. Layer by layer I felt a little more relieved.

The water had heated up by now so I stepped inside shutting the door and stood underneath it. Letting the water run down my face and back onto the rest of my body.

I stood there for a few minutes not really sure why but I focused on my breathing. Attempting to prevent myself from having a panic attack over stress.

I felt a small sob escape, my chest tightened a little more and soon enough the sobs didn't stop. They spilled out from my mouth repeatedly but the sound of the water from the shower head masked them.

My tears blending in with the droplets of water that raced along side them down my face.

I had never felt so much heartache in my life. Not in this form at least.

There were no relationships to compare this to because before Valentina, there was none. I had never been in a real relationship. Back then I was too focused on not being hurt by my foster families or wondering when my next meal was, if I'd be able to go to college and so on.

Even as I entered college and left, no one sparked my interest.

I kissed a few boys but nothing ever came out of it because I just wasn't ready to be in a relationship. I liked being single.

Now, I feared it.

I feared losing the one woman in the world who had completely stolen my heart. I was ridiculously in love with Valentina and I didn't know if I'd ever be able to tell her that again to her face without a fight breaking out first.

All I wanted more than anything, if we were to be broken up for good, is to tell her one more time that I love her and always will. Despite our differences right now.

She was the first love of my life and I wanted to keep it that way. I wanted to make up for my mistake of being selfish and not taking the other important parts of Valentina's life into consideration. But that couldn't happen just yet. Not without her apologizing first about the whole disappearing for two weeks situation.

I felt like I deserved that much of an apology at least. I did so much to make her not look like the bad guy to Sophia. Which was extremely hard considering how smart Sophia is. She wasn't an oblivious child like most kids would be.

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