twenty four

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One week after Christmas

Valentina's view:

I groaned into my hands for the tenth time today it seemed. After our little getaway to the secluded mountains I immediately had to go back to work.

We had a massive photoshoot to continue before February and the model situation hadn't gotten easier.

We were still short one model and it was driving me up the wall that no one else had figured it out yet.

My time away from all of this was amazing though. The girls and I got to spend more time with Evie by baking, playing in the snow and watching Christmas movies. But as soon as we got back I had been buried in my work and discussing plans to get Sophia back with my lawyer.

Today was Tuesday and I think the last time I saw Evie was when we came home. So about three days ago. We've talked over the phone to make up for the loss of seeing each other but, it wasn't the same.

I missed her.

"Miss Clair" a knock came from my doorway.

I looked up from my hands seeing one of leading coordinators for the photoshoot. "Yes, how can I help you?"

"We need you downstairs for this next shoot. I apologize if I interrupted anything." The woman spoke softly.

"It's fine." I sighed standing from my chair and removing my blazer to toss it onto the desk. "I need a change of scenery anyways."

. . .

"No, I want her in the red and her in the pink bodysuit. I even wrote this out on the planner. Does anyone here know how to fucking read besides me?!" I yelled pointing between the two models in front of me as I leaned against the table.

The staff around me avoided eye contact and pretended to look down to reread their notes.

"We'll change it Miss Clair.." one of the men murmured ushering the models away.

"Yeah we'll change it Miss Clair even though you've already told us the same thing more than once." I scoffed mocking him as he walked away and I crossed my arms.

I shook my head watching everyone else scatter away from me to get back to work.

"Geez.. someone needs to get laid again." I heard from behind me.

"Go back to your desk Britt. I'm not in the mood." I said not bothering to look at her and instead eyed one of the models who was getting her makeup touched up.

"Oohh feisty. You definitely need some pussy in your life." She chuckled standing next to me.

"Britt seriously I'm trying to work. These dumb fucks don't know what they're doing as usual so I have to babysit again."

"I'm just joking, how are you though? We haven't hung out in a while since you and little miss perfect have started dating." Britt said watching everyone else work too.

"I'm fine." I sighed lying through my teeth.

Britt looked at me with an unconvinced look until I finally gave in. "I'm tired, I'm horny, I'm frustrated and all I want is one fucking glass of wine. There.. happy?" I explained in an angry tone.

"Yes.. yes I am." She said squinting with a smile. "But maybe we can go grab dinner or something?"

I shrugged, "I'll think about it if I'm not busy."

"Oh come onnn" Britt whined. "We'll go to your favorite place and get a wine bucket." She sang trying to convince me to go.

I thought about it for a second. It would be nice to go out for dinner for a change rather than coming home late to eat by myself at midnight.

Valentina - [wlw]Where stories live. Discover now