thirty three

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A week later...

Valentina's view:

"Yes sir, I have everything under control. Yes I'll contact you as soon as I can once we wrap up. Uh huh.. okay bye." I hung up my office phone with a slam and groaned frustratedly.

"You don't have everything under control do you?" Britt snickered sitting with her feet up on the couch in my office.

"No! I have too much shit going on! Important shit and then I gotta come back to this hell hole dealing with the same fucking photoshoot that can't seem to get finished! Meanwhile the due date is tomorrow!" I screamed.

Britt was unphased by my tantrum and twirled her hair around her finger.

"Look, hear me out ok..." Britt held her hands up in defense. "I think.. that you should do it, or maybe even Evie."

I stared at Britt for a few seconds then bursted into laughter. She frowned and stopped twirling her hair.

"What? It's not an awful idea!"

"Have you met Evie?!" I asked sarcastically still laughing.

Evie didn't even own a bikini. There was no way in hell she'd dress down to her intimates for a racy Valentine's Day photoshoot.

"Just ask her! It doesn't hurt to ask and plus for once we're actually missing a blonde from this shoot. Plus.. she's hot." Britt muttered avoiding eye contact with me.

"Exactly. She's hot. I don't feel comfortable having her put on display like that.." I shrugged. "I'm not good with sharing and this is different than me not caring about what she wears in public and how she expresses her self love. I want to protect her." I stated crossing my arms.

Britt nodded understanding what I said.

"I get that but.. still, ask her please. We need to meet this deadline and we don't really have any other choice right now." Britt said tossing me my cellphone from the couch where my purse was.

I sighed rolling my eyes and catched my phone, pressing the contact for Evie's cell.

It rang for a bit and I moved the phone away from my face to check the time real quick. It was 11:34 pm so Evie was probably getting lunch already for Sophia.

"Hi babe"

I smiled at Evie's greeting glancing at Britt who was already smirking at me.

"Hi my love. Sorry to interrupt your lunch but I have a favor to ask of you and I want you to keep an open mind." I said biting my bottom lip hoping she'd say yes to my question.

"Um.. okay, what is it?" Evie asked with a hint of hesitation.

"Well you remember that photoshoot I've been working on for Valentine's Day?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"We still need a few shots for it to be turned in tomorrow to the other editor from the lingerie company we're working with. So, Britt thought it would be a good idea to ask if you would feel comfortable with modeling for us?" I cringed visibly towards the end knowing Evie was probably gonna say no.

She was silent on the line for a few seconds and I looked to Britt who mouthed to me asking what was happening.

I shrugged waiting for Evie to respond back.

"Model? Me? You're joking right..?" Evie let out a awkward chuckle.

"No I'm not joking, Evie. I don't feel ecstatic about the idea of millions of people seeing you like that but.. I feel like this might be a good confidence boost. Plus, we'll pay you and I really don't wanna lose my job." I joked laughing and leaning to sit on my desk.

Valentina - [wlw]Where stories live. Discover now