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Evie's View:

The hallways were crowded with students and teachers, as well as parents who stopped by to watch the costume parade. Otherwise, they volunteered to help out with today's festivities to celebrate Halloween.

All the students were dressed up in their costumes with their books in hand that matched.

I personally only loved the dressing up part of Halloween and of course the candy. The spooky and horror aspect freaked me out. I was never one to love scary things.

"Miss Love, Tanner keeps on poking my bat wings" Vivi tugged on my red dress.

Somehow the other teachers convinced me to go as Olivia, a storybook character that was a pig who loved using her imagination and dancing. She was one of my kids favorite book series.

"Tanner please leave Vivi's headband alone. Keep your hands to yourself, I don't wanna have to tell you a second time" I said looking at tanner who stood in line behind Vivi.

The boy nodded frowning and put his hands behind his back.

"Say you're sorry to Vivi. Use your manners please"

"Sorry I touched your headband Vivi.." tanner muttered looking at the ground.

Vivi looked back at him but didn't say anything. She turned right back around, rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as she shook her head. Definitely something she picked up from Valentina.

I held back a laugh and sighed as we waited for the parade to start.

Every child walked in a line as we roamed the halls passing all the kids who decided not to dress up along with the staff and parents who showed up.

I walked next to where tanner and the twins were walking in line.

Every now and then I'd see Nani and Vivi looking around as if they were looking for someone in the crowd.

When the parade was over with everyone retreated back to their classrooms to start the rest of the activities planned for the day.

"She didn't come... I told you" Nani said walking in last with Vivi.

I frowned and shut the classroom door behind me listening in on their conversation.

"She probably did.. you just can't see well" Vivi teased. Nani visibly made a face and pushed her sister gently walking away.

"Girls... that's enough. Take a seat" I said softly not making a scene.

"Sorry Miss Love..." they said together.

The activities I had planned for my kids consisted of decorating their own Halloween themed cupcakes, spooky story time, arts and crafts and lastly for them to have free time to do whatever they pleased.

I felt it was important for them to have their own time to themselves whether that be coloring, reading or resting their mind for a few minutes.

I kept my eyes on Nani and Vivi making sure the feud from earlier didn't progress.

They were upset their mom didn't show up to the parade. I can only imagine how it must of felt seeing that your parent(s) didn't show up to one of your events. Especially if they promised and you had mentioned it more than once.

The girls were quieter than usual which actually bothered me. Their mothers absence was having an affect on their happiness.

Most kids would be ecstatic over cupcakes and free time.

At the end of the school day I was waiting with Nani and Vivi alone once again. This had become a habit every other day since Valentina started coming to the school herself to get the girls.

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