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Evie's view:

She left me.

Valentina left me there standing in the middle of the front of the school entrance, looking like someone had just ran over my dog.

I had gathered up my things eventually and went home to Addie who consoled my tearful self.

No matter what I would have done differently in the situation, I knew the outcome would've probably turned out the same.

Her getting angry with me, for what reason I don't know and then storming out.

I called Valentina twice, leaving a voicemail on the second try. I was a sobbing mess but hopefully that helped my case and allowed her to hear just how sorry I was, and that I never meant to keep any information from her.

Personally I have no idea how she's feeling because I have never been in that type of situation before myself.

I had no kids of my own, it's just me.

Valentina looked like she had seen a ghost when Sophia appeared from behind me. She put two and two together realizing I was shielding the girl from her the whole time.

So physically I was intentionally hiding Sophia from Valentina. But only because I didn't want to create a scene with the kids in the room.

"Babe, you need to stop moping around.. it's been two days already and tomorrow is Friday. Cheer up and come drink with the rest of us tonight. We're just going for dinner but still.. you look like you could use a drink" Addie suggested adjusting her coat.

She was basically my caregiver for the past two days. Addie made sure I ate, went to bed on time and woke up early enough for work.

Ever since the conflict with Valentina I had trouble doing such simple things for myself.

When I'd shower I'd just sit on the floor and cry wondering why she wouldn't return my calls. When it was bed time I'd lay there staring at the wall or ceiling replaying how angry Valentina looked when speaking to me.

I never meant to hurt Valentina by keeping info to myself. I just wanted to be sure it was really her before I jumped to conclusions.

"I just wanna lay here Addie.. you go. Have fun" I said in a quiet monotone voice. Staring at the low volume television as I laid on my side on the couch.

Addie sighed staring at me.

"Evie come on please. I hate seeing you like this, it's not you. It's freaking me out to not see you all giddy over a bouquet of flowers or squealing because you saw honeybees in the backyard" Addie whined plopping herself down at my feet.

I said nothing and just blinked.

"Bring me back some food.." I muttered watching the movie continue on tv.

Addie shook her head from what I saw in my peripheral vision. "Fine. But this weekend you are going out and I don't care if it's to the damn supermarket. I'll be back around nine" she said patting my leg and getting up to leave.

I muttered an, "ok" and a "bye" as she left out the front door of our apartment.

. . .

the next day...

Today was my last day of work and then winter break began for the next three weeks.

I was super excited to get the day over with so I could go home and sulk some more. Valentina hadn't returned any of my calls or texts still.

I even tried her work phone but she never picked up. Probably because there was caller ID I assumed.

All I wanted was one word from her.
To hear her voice again because it's felt like it's been years since I last heard it. I miss her accent and the way she would pronounce my name. Making it sound so elegant and sexy.

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