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Continuation of last chapter...
Y'all I'm fucking crying listening to this damn song while writing 🥺😭😂 (so listen to it half way through)

Valentina's view:

Currently myself, the girls and Evie were sitting at the table eating dinner together.

It was odd because it almost felt like our family was complete again and didn't feel like a huge piece was missing. That exact piece was still missing though. Evie just so happened to be that one piece you could force together with the others.

Nani as usual pushed her food around on her plate after taking minimal bites of it.

I cleared my throat causing her eyes to glance up at me, as well as Vivi's.

"So, girls.." I started. "Remember that talk we had earlier this morning?"

They both nodded.

"Well both Evie— Uh Miss Love" I corrected myself, "and I decided it was time we talked to you two about what has been going on. So if you girls have any questions you can ask them"

I treaded delicately hoping Nani wouldn't cause a scene. I knew Evie was already nervous enough and I didn't want this dinner to end badly with someone crying.

"Are you girlfriends?" Vivi asked shoving a piece of broccoli into her mouth.

Nani watched us from across the table awaiting an answer. I looked to Evie who looked to me as if she wanted me to answer the question.

"Yes.. we are" I replied with a little smile.

"Why? Don't you love mama?" Nani spoke up.

This is where I had to be extra careful and explain the situation to them both. I didn't want them thinking I was replacing their mama.

"Because I like Miss Love. But I do still love your mama Nani. I never stopped loving her and I never will. I just got very lucky to meet someone else who makes me just as happy as your mama did love" I offered a gentle smile to Nani.

She listened to me speak and stared back down to her plate. Vivi on the other hand nodded understandably and kept eating.

"Well I don't want another mama" Nani said defensively crossing her arms.

I could sense Evie tense up beside me. I placed a hand on her arm to calm her down.

"Nani baby.. that's not what Miss Love is trying to do. She would never replace your mama. She just wants to love and care for you in the same way. Miss love said she would even take you both to go give flowers to mama whenever you'd like" I said.

Vivi's eyes lit up and Nani looked to Evie with her big round eyes.

"I just want to be your friend Nani.." Evie spoke up, "and Vivi" she added smiling. "You don't have to call me anything like, mama. You can call me Evie, is that okay with you?"

The girls looked to each other like they were deciding on an answer and then turned their heads back to Evie. With a nod they agreed to her question and smiled.

They were only five so the quickness of how fast the situation blew over their heads didn't surprise me. I knew their relationship with Evie as their teacher would make it a little easier on them to adjust.

They knew what kind of person she was by now and were already in love with her.

Just as I might be.

Accidentally I choked on my water as I took a sip and dropped the glass on the table making it spill everywhere. I coughed repeatedly as the own words from my head shocked me.

Valentina - [wlw]Where stories live. Discover now