twenty one

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Christmas break part one.

Evie's view:
There was only about three days till Christmas and last night Valentina told me to start packing a suitcase because we had a flight at seven a.m. this morning. I had zero clue as to where we were going but she said it'd be a surprise for both me and the girls.

Abby her maid would be going with us since, she was a single young woman who couldn't turn down a paid vacation to somewhere possibly luxurious.

"Text me at least to let me know you're safe and alive" Addie said leaning against the doorframe of my room.

"I will, don't worry. I'm sure you and Hannah will be too busy screwing each other's brains out anyways to even worry about me" I snickered glancing back at her over my shoulder. Addie flipped me off and got off of the doorframe to walk over to my bed to sit down.

"Seriously Evie, text me or call. Whatever. I worry about you, you know?" She stared up at me with a serious look. "I know you really like this woman but it's still technically your first relationship and I don't want you falling too hard too fast. Valentina clearly treats you well but she has a lot of baggage she still can't seem to get over. I just don't want to see you get hurt is my point..."

I sighed dropping a folded shirt into my suitcase.

"First Taylor now you. I know what I'm doing Addie. I'm not rushing anything and neither is she. But I appreciate the concern anyways, so I'm not mad or anything. I just wish you guys didn't make it seem like i'm going through this with rose colored glasses and not paying attention to what's really going on with Valentina. Plus, I don't expect her to automatically get over her deceased wife as soon as I enter the picture. I mean.. that was her wife for crying out loud" I shrugged my arms and dropped them to my sides.

"She's still hurting and I just have to learn how to deal with that by being there for her and the girls. All three of them lost her, and I'm perfectly fine with being their new support system when they need me"

Addie smiled at me softly. "Which is what worries me Evie. You're a very very very caring and giving person, sometimes people take advantage of that. I'm not assuming Valentina will. But I want you to keep that in mind, okay? I don't want you drowning yourself in other people's problems when it becomes too much and it ending up hurting you in the long run when they decide to leave. I have faith this will work out but.. still.. look after yourself too"

I stared down at my clothes thinking about what Addie said and just nodded in response before bending down to zip up the now heavy suitcase. "I'll see you in a week"

. . .

Valentina had sent a driver for me so we could meet up at the airport. Since, she had some other business to take care of before we left for our flight.

When I arrived it was cold and wet outside from the sprinkle of on and off rain we've been having.

I thanked the driver for helping me off and grabbing my suitcase for me. I took it from there by myself and walked into the warm airport that was buzzing with lots of single people or families also looking forward to traveling for the holidays. The smell baked cinnamon rolls from the nearby Cinnabon lingered in the air, along with the smell of coffee.

Christmas melodies played through out the decorated airport too. Which just got me more into the spirit of Christmas, even at almost six in the morning when I really wish I was back in bed sleeping. Christmas break or any break for that matter was a teacher's dream because it was our time to sleep in and not have to wake up at five every single morning.

"Miss Love!" I heard a tiny voice yell from across the room.

I turned my head in the direction of it and saw Vivi jumping up and down excitedly. All dressed in her green and red spirited Christmas wear.

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