twenty seven

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Valentina's view:

After Sophia walked in on me being in Evie's room. Evie had sent Alyson and Isabelle along with Willow on their way, explaining what just happened very briefly.

I thought I'd be more careful than this to show myself to my daughter so early.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Currently all three of us are sitting in the living room with Sophia staring at me from across the living room. I felt as if she was judging me.

"Why didn't you want me?" She asked abruptly on the verge of tears, shocking both Evie and I.

The room was tense and silent for a few seconds until I spoke.

"Sophia, sweetheart your adoption didn't happen because I didn't want you. Please don't ever think that again. The situation was very complicated at the time.." I sighed.

"Then why did you give me up?" She asked hugging her teddy tightly. Evie moved over to sit next to Sophia and comforted her.

My eyes almost wanted to glare at the sight.

"Sophia it's a very hard thing to talk about and you're still too young to understand why your adoption happened. But just know that I wanted nothing more than to keep you all to myself. I wanted to back then and still want to be your mommy now but.. some people have just made that very hard for me to do." I said shaking my head at the thought of my parents.

"Why didn't you come back for me then?" She sobbed glaring at me now.

Her expression was full of anger and sadness. I just hoped she didn't blame me for anything that happened to her.

"Because I couldn't love. The people who took you from me made it so hard for me to even look you up or know where you lived. I had no idea if you even lived here in Texas still. Just because I wasn't there physically all the time doesn't mean I never loved you." I stayed staring directly into Sophia's eyes.

"I love you so much honey.. you have no idea how many nights I just laid there crying knowing you were somewhere else and not at home in my arms."

Tears fell from my eyes as I as spoke. The tension seemed to have lessen a bit and by now there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

"There are a lot of things I can't tell you right now but I can tell you that you are going to be safe here with Evie. I'm not gonna allow anything bad to happen to you ever again Sophia, okay?"

Sophia nodded, "But when do I get to go home with you?"

It wasn't my place to give an official answer because right now Parker was still being investigated. Plus, my lawyers couldn't exactly guarantee me my rights as Sophia's biological mother without one of Parker's family members stepping in first.

Going against my mind I gave her an answer anyways, "Soon sweetheart. Hopefully soon, but for now you're going to be fine here with Evie because she's pretty great right?"

Sophia chuckled a little and nodded wiping her eyes. "She makes the best pancakes and reads to me."

I smiled glancing at Evie who was watching Sophia with a sweet expression.

"Good. I'm glad you're having fun then."

Sophia looked at me hesitantly and then turned to Evie to whisper in her ear.

Evie grinned and nodded like she was encouraging Sophia. "Just ask her.. she'll say yes."

Sophia blushed a little and began to nervously play with the sleeves on her shirt, taking a peek at me from under her lashes.

Valentina - [wlw]Where stories live. Discover now