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Evie's View:

I awoke to feeling warmth around my body and soft breathing sounds close to my ear.

My eyes slowly opened adjusting to the sunlight in the room. I look down seeing a pair of thin tan arms wrapped around my upper body. Pulling me into the person's chest.

I let my eyes trail upwards seeing Valentina's dark hair spread out over the front and back of her shoulder.

Her eyes were still closed and her full lips were partly opened. It was a cute sight to watch.

I smiled to myself wanting this moment to last forever. But mentally I was thinking that she would wake up and realize this was all a mistake.

That every kiss we shared was because she had a bit too much wine.

I frowned looking to the corner of the room. "Why the long face?"

I gasped jumping a little from Valentina's raspy voice scaring me. "I thought you were asleep!"

"I was but then I felt someone staring so it woke me. The girls tend to do that in the mornings so I'm used to it" she chuckled rolling over onto her back to stretch.

I sat up stretching a bit myself and not without taking notice of her bare toned stomach being revealed. Every inch of her was beautiful, even the small white zig zagged lines that were below her belly button.

Valentina noticed me looking and she immediately pulled her top down self-consciously.

"Why did you hide yourself?" I asked.

"Because that's not exactly something I like to show off or think is sexy" she rolled her eyes ruffling her hair with her hands.

I leaned on one of hands against the bed looking down at Valentina.

"Well I think they're beautiful..." I said softly. "May I ask how you got them? I know that sounds unusual to ask.. you don't have to answer though"

She sighed staring off into space at the ceiling above us.

"I was pregnant at one point..." she said still not looking me in the eye. My face contorted into a state of shock but also concern of thinking about what she was going to tell me.

"But I gave the baby up for adoption. I was 16 at the time and definitely not ready for a child. So, I gave her to a wonderful family who couldn't have kids of their own" Valentina was completely calm and composed as she told me another story about her life.

"Some days I wonder what she looks like and if she's ever asked about her birth mom... but other days I'm glad she's never come looking for me. I don't know why but I guess it's because I'm afraid of having to explain to her why I chose adoption" her voiced wavered.

I pouted and leaned down lower on my elbow on the bed. Hovering over Valentina.

"And that is perfectly okay to feel that way. I am sure many parents do... but you did a good thing. You gave her a better chance at life and allowed her to be raised by people who could make all of that come true. I'm sure if she does know about you... that she loves you just as much as you love her." I smiled giving Valentina some reassurance.

Her captivating eyes stared back at me with wonder. "How do you always know what the right thing to say is?"

"I don't know. Just comes to me I guess." I shrugged not actually knowing.

Valentina chuckled still looking into my eyes. A moment of silence filled in between us, allowing our looks to communicate for each other.

Valentina leaned up a bit after a minute, grabbing my cheek and pulling my face down to hers to kiss my forehead.

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