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Evie's view:

After that night with Valentina I went home smiling from ear to ear. We didn't go any further than kissing and Valentina didn't acknowledge anything else. I think to her it was just a spur in the moment type of kiss. Which I was okay with.. for now.

Today was Saturday and I had made plans to stay home grading papers, reading or even painting.

Anything that kept me from leaving the house.

"I'll be back sometime tonight babe" Addie said poking her head into my room.

"Okay! Have fun with Hannah" I replied waving her off.

Addie and Hannah normally had conflicting work schedules so on the weekends was their time to be together. I personally loved it because it meant I got the house all to myself!

I could lounge around in my underwear all day, eat, sleep, do whatever without Addie nagging me about not ever getting out.

I did get out though. I loved being outside and going for walks, runs and bike rides. Nature was my element.

Around 5pm I was done with grading and planning out my lesson plan for next wee. So, I decided to get dressed and go for a walk down the cafe that was only a block down.

I got changed into a pair of jean shorts and my shoes then headed out locking the door behind me.

I could've drove like normal people would've but it wasn't a far walk at all and I was only going to get dinner.

When I walked in I was greeted with the polite smell of bread baking and chicken pot pie cooking in the back.

"Afternoon Evie! What can I get ya?" The girl behind the register asked.

"Afternoon.." I said shyly and looked up at the menu bored humming to myself. "Umm.. I think I'll just go ahead and get the pot pie as usual"

The girl nodded and rang up my order. "Pardon, allow me.." a deep voice behind me said.

I turned around and saw a handsome guy standing there pulling out his card. "My treat" he smirked down at me and handed the cashier the card.

"Oh, no.. you don't have to do that. Really I can pay for myself. Thank you though" I said trying to stop him from paying for my order.

"It's not a problem Miss. I usually do this from time to time and you just so happen to be in the right place at the right time" he chuckled taking his card back.

I smiled softly and nodded thanking him again very quietly.

I stood off to the side at one of the high top tables waiting for my order. Looking around I spotted the handsome man across the store waiting on his order as well.

He grinned nodding at me in a way of saying hello. I nodded back giving him a small smile and avoided any further eye contact.

"Evie!" The girl behind the counter said as she placed my order on the counter.

"Thank you.." I said to her and grabbed the to go bag heading for the door.

I didn't bother to look back at the stranger who paid for meal before walking out. I walked back home as the sun started to set but it was still daylight outside.

As I neared my house I shivered from the feeling of a slight wind chill.

My nerves were getting the best of me and all I could think about was the way the man at the store looked at me. I saw him out of the corner of my eye still staring at me as I walked up to get my order and even as I walked out.

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