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Valentina's view:

"Mom.. what's going on?" Nani asked walking into the kitchen. Vivi trailing right behind rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"I'm making your lunches. Are you ready for breakfast?" I replied with a smile.

Nani eyed me curiously and then nodded. "I am!" Vivi yelled running over to hug my legs.

I chuckled and patted her back as I returned the hug. "Okay, go sit at the table and I'll bring your food to you"

Vivi ran off leaving Nani alone with me who wouldn't stop staring. "What's the matter?" I asked wiping my hands on a towel.

"Why are you making our lunches? Doesn't Abby normally do it? Where is she?" Nani asked with a slight frown.

I tried not to be hurt by the questions and set my own feelings aside. I knew I wasn't as present as I should be before today but, was it that bad that me making their lunches was such a shock?

"Abby made breakfast for us but I decided to make lunches today. Is that okay?" I asked trailing lightly on the topic. I didn't want to come across as upset or angry.

To be honest I wasn't. I was hurt a little but that was my own fault.

"I guess so.. but Abby always makes our fruit to look like flowers or stars. Did you do that?" Nani asked in a concerned tone as if it was the most important thing in the world.

"Yes I did" I chuckled kneeling down to kiss the top of her head. "I made sure to ask Abby how she does it before I made your lunches. Now run along, go sit with your sister. I'll be there in a minute"

Nani smiled up at me and ran towards the dining room.

I plated their breakfast along with mine. Setting their's down first and sitting down with my own after. We are together as a family which was a rare occurrence even at dinner.

"Mommy.. do you like Miss Love?" Vivi asked.

I choked on my orange juice and started coughing reaching for my napkin to wipe my mouth.

"I do. She's very nice, why do you ask?" I replied trying to remain in a calm state.

We hadn't told the girls just yet about us dating. It had only been two days but we planned on telling them together because then we could both answer any questions they had. But if this conversation went any further then that talk needed to happen soon.

"Because I heard you and Auntie Britt talking about how beautiful she is. Do you have a crush on Miss Love?" Vivi asked again before taking a bite of her strawberry.

I glanced over at Nani who stared at me waiting for answer.

"Umm.." I cleared my throat. "Well.. I guess you could say that Vivi. Yes"

Nani narrowed her eyes at me and I already knew what she was thinking. It was something I feared would happen if I ever brought anyone new into our lives.

"Oooohhh I'm telling!" Vivi teased with a giggle.

I smirked at her and tickled her side a little.

"Don't you dare!" I replied jokingly. Vivi giggled some more while Nani just stared at her plate pushing the rest of her fruit around.

For the rest of breakfast Vivi talked about what she wanted for Christmas until everyone finished their food. Everyone but Nani.

"Nani sweetheart what's wrong? You barely ate your breakfast. You need to eat before school" I said leaning my arms on top of the table.

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