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K.C and I got to the dance studio. She had an entire room to herself. She started out with stretching. She spoke with me about random things as she stretched.

I was fine sitting in the corner and doing nothing. But K.C insisted I joined her so I did. We stretched and went over the basic basket positions. K.C began to do her own thing.

"What do you have to do during your auditions?" I asked her.

She went to get backpack and pulled out a folder. I told her to take our her iPad as well. I made a list.

Stretches Preformed
• Achilles
• Hamstrings
• Back
• Splits
- Left
- Right
- Middle

Barre Work
• Plies
- Demi
- Full
• Tendus
- 4 front
- 4 side
- 4 back
- 4 side
• Battement tendu jeté (glissés)
- 4 front
- 4 side
- 4 back
- 4 side
• Grand battements en croix
- In 4 counts for each movement
• Cambrés (bends)
- Sideways
- Forwards
- Backwards.
• Degagé
• Passé développé en croix

Centre work
• Simple ports de bras
• Pirouettes from 5th position
• Sautés in 1st and 2nd positions, en face
• Balancé de cȏté in a series
• Gallops en diagonale.
• Adagio
• Petit allegro
• Grand allegro

• Choreographed Piece (Taught at school)

"You have writing is really nice." K.C complimented me. She was resting on my back looking down at her tablet from over my shoulder. "For the last round, I have to preform as if I was on stage."

"And you're worried about your hair?" I questioned.

She nodded, "But we had a deal."

I grabbed a hold of her and threw her over my shoulder to place her on my lap. She giggled the entire time. "Why don't you ask your teachers if you can do the first round with your natural hair and for the final round. I'll straighten both of our hair. We're in this thing together."

She smiled. "But do you know how to do a bun?"

"Do I know how to do a bun? You're looking at master hair dresser. A lot it comes from your mother though. I use to help her with hers years ago because it was so expensive for her to go out and do her hair back then."

"You and Mommy weren't always rich?" K.C innocently asked.

"No, no, no. We were broke, extremely broke. I couldn't even give her an engagement ring until a year after." I frowned at the thought of my proposal, not because it was bad. It was great, it was one of the only times I laughed, but that was a distant past now. "Back then your Mom and I were two idiots with dreams and in love and we both accomplished our dreams," I softly chuckled, but my mood saddened, "And... yeah. I owe your Mom for my success. I can't really say I did the same for her though..."

"Do love Mommy?" K.C asked.

"Give me on second, K.C." I told her. I left the room and went to the bathroom to wash my face. Shit. Shit. Shit. Dr. Snow was fucking right, K.C does remind me of her, a time when I was happy.

I think I've done a job not projecting my own shortcomings onto her. I got past my guarded stage, at least I hope I have.

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