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Stress... was a terrible understatement for what (F/n) was understatement for she was under at the moment. Her photograph final project was done and over it. The theme of her photography project was seasons. Meanwhile, she had completely forgotten about her visual arts one.

After her trip to the museum, she did receive inspiration from the painting of apples- ordinary things. She centered her project around greek gods dealing with everyday human problems whether it was: Poseidon protecting the ocean from oil spills, Athena protecting soldiers at war, Apollo protecting the LGBT+ community, Hermes protecting immigrants, Hecate on suicide prevention and awareness, Persephone on gender equality etc. It was titled "The Old Gods are Not Dead". (Based on nj.been on Instagram)

If you asked her, how (F/n) made the connection, she wouldn't be able to tell you. Levi, for one, tried it and got nothing.

She had been working endless hours in her room. Sometimes skipping on sleeping just to finish one. Her roommates would complain that the entire apartment smelled like paint. (F/n) stuff the bottom of her door with clothes to stop the smell from spreading. She opened a window in her room so that she wouldn't die from the smell.

Levi and (F/n) have been seeing each other for months and officially dating for only about a week. It had been going really well.

(F/n) was a refreshing personality for Levi to push him to try new things and really experience life for what it was. While, Levi was the stability that (F/n) desperately needed in the city and keep her grounded.

The two of them were very infatuated with one another. It was obvious to Farlan and Isabel and (F/n)'s roommates.

Levi decided to go (F/n)'s apartment to surprise her with a pizza and (favorite drink). He knocked on the door.

(F/n)'s roommate and best friend, Dominique, was preparing to go out with her other four roommates excluding (F/n) since she was busying. Dominique was in the middle of putting on her earrings when she answered the door to reveal Levi.

"How can I help yo- Damn... you look even better than the photos." She commented. Dominique turned around and yelled very loudly, "Aye, (F/n), your boyfriend is here!" She announced.

"That's not funny. Weren't you guys suppose to leave like an hour ago? Why are you still here?" (F/n) yelled back.

"Shut up. It takes time to get ready. And you're making him wait, you better stop before someone comes steal him from you. I won't hesitate." Dominique turned back to Levi and let him in.

(F/n) came out of her room, "Dominique that wasn't funny. He'd text if he was comin-" She stopped her sentence and immediately pulled her bonnet down to cover her face. She thought that maybe if she didn't see him, he wouldn't see her.

"Brat, I can still see you." He said.
"Why are you here?" She asked.

"I came with food since you've been working so hard." He answered.

"Right, so you can leave it and you can go?"

"If I go, the food goes with me." Levi asserted, he raised his brow at her, "Why are you hiding from me anyway?"

Dominique left the room and went to gather everyone like she was calling her kids to get in the car. She started pushing them out of the apartment so they could go to the club. On their way out, all if her roommates got to see Levi in person.

"Damn." The door of them said in unison.
"I know right." Dominique said while pushing them out. She said goodbye to (F/n) and closed the door behind her.

(F/n) said goodbye before replying to Levi.

"Well, I'm still in my house clothes. I didn't want you to see me without any makeup so soon and my room is a mess. I would've gotten ready or something." She replied.

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