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| | | 13 Years Ago | | |

Twenty two year old, (F/n) (L/n) was an international student originally from England studying in France. It was currently late January and late afternoon in Paris, France.

Winter set its course. With every breath, being visible in the air. Although the sun was out, it was below freezing. Snow decorated everything from the ground to the branches on trees to the roofs of buildings to the top of mailboxes. (F/n) was out bundle up in her warm coat and scarf. With her she had her camera and satchel containing her laptop, notebook, pencils, wallet, keys, phone etc.

She took pictures capturing the winter scenery.

Levi Ackerman was heading to work at a casual restaurant called, Café Du Coin, which was mainly a cafe that provided baked goods, sandwiches, salads and soups. He worked there as a professional barista. When he was on his way to work, he passed by the young women.

There's nothing in particular different about her, there was nothing strange about seeing people in the streets with cameras. He went on his way until his gaze lingered to a bucket of snow that landed in her (h/c) hair. This was not at all in a romantic sense, a literal bucket of snow landed on the poor woman's head. To add to the damage, the plastic red bucket stuck to the top of her head.

(F/n) muttered curses under her breath and attempted to lift the bucket off her head, but every time she tried it hurt her. The little kid who owned the bucket was playing on their porch outside. They looked down and apologized to (F/n). She looked up at them and smiled, reassuring the child that it was okay.

Levi came over to help the stranger. "Do you need any help?" He asked before just going in and helping her.

"Yes," she replied, "Can you take this thing off as quick as possible?"

"Sure," he took the bucket off in one swift motion.

(F/n) shook and pat the cold snow off her and dusted it off her shoulders. She thanked the man who had helped her, she looked up to finally see him. They're eyes met one another. Her eyes went wide.

"Woah. You're nerve rackingly attractive," (F/n) bluntly stated. "Would it be okay if I took a few photos with you for my final project?"

Levi was shock at her straight forwardness. He decided to think it over, if he stopped and did her this little favor he'd still be on time for work instead of being half and hour early to himself a cup of tea and relax while reading the news before his shift started. Plus, with the whole bucket of snow incident, it didn't seem she was having all that good of a day.

"Sure." He stated.

"Great!" She flashed him a smile. "(F/n)." She introduced herself, she held her hand out.

"Levi," he said and shook her hand.

(F/n) explained exactly what he needed him to do while taking the pictures. During the photoshoot, the kid who owned the bucket came down to retrieve it and apologized again. (F/n) told them it was fine. She should have thanked them for it because it was the only reason why Levi and her had a reason to interact leading to their future together.

(F/n) went back to taking pictures after twenty minutes she started wrapping up. "Okay..." she said taking the last few. "Thank you." She said to Levi. She offered to show him some of the shots, he accepted. They were really good. Levi bid her goodbye and continued on his way to work.

He met with his friends, Farlan and Isabel, at the cafe. "How is that you left the apartment before us yet we got here first?" Farlan asked him.

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