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Levi was at work. (F/n) was preparing for her jobs today. She packed her camera with her to go. Levi made her promise to text him once she made it to each location and left each location. It wasn't in a controlling way whatsoever, it was only about her safety and making sure she was okay.

As long as (F/n) wasn't cheating on him or hurting herself, he didn't care what she did. It's true, if she committed mass murder and burned down the Eiffel Tower, Levi wouldn't care as long as she came home safe.

(F/n): Look at this pigeon! Have you ever seen a pigeon sit before!?

Levi's eyes rolled so far back in his head at the picture and text that his girlfriend had just sent him. He went on with the rest of his shift. Once it was over, he texted (F/n) to ask if she was going to eat out or if she was going to eat at home. She told him that she was just gonna eat out and that he should go to bed without her.

Levi thought of waiting for her to get home, but that would be around three in the morning and he had to be up early. He had dinner by himself and kept himself occupied until he was ready to sleep. He took his spot on his bed.

When (F/n) arrived back home, she prepared for bed was removing her makeup, washing her face, showering, and changing into her home clothes. Although, (F/n) tried her best to remain quiet for Levi's sake, he still woke up at her arrival because he was such a light sleeper very rarely did he get into such a deep sleep.

(F/n) got into bed and was immediately pulled into her boyfriend. "How was your day?" He asked.

"Fun. Stressful, but fun." She informed me. "How was yours?" She asked.

Levi snuggled his head closer to her, "Better now." He said with a small smile only he knew was there.

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There were a lot of changes to moving in together. Perviously, Levi and (F/n) were living together in his bedroom in his old apartment, but that was simply temporary. Now, this was a serious— it was serious before. They both were very involved with every aspects of each other's lives with the addition of sharing the same space. It wad very different.

Now, they're are there all the time. Levi and (F/n) both were extremely independent people who needed alone time to function. So setting aside private places and alone time was a needed compromise they worked through.

They also had to keep some activities and hobbies to themselves. The two shared a fear of losing themselves, though they were polar opposites, their individuality was something at the core of their personalities.

Cleaning and organizing was easy for Levi. (F/n) was messier than he was. After moving in, she noticed how messy environments mentally distressed Levi. She picked up her own slack. However, one place that stayed "messy" and needed to be was (F/n)'s corner. It was a source of most of their irritation with one another. The corner bothered Levi to his core, but (F/n) couldn't compromise with her personal space. Ultimately, Levi had to let it go. (F/n) kept everything about the apartment clean and went out of her way to clean with him on weekends, the least he could do was let her have her space.

Another issue no that came up was money. At the moment, Levi was the breadwinner. (F/n) was still a student and regular school day for her was about twelve hours long, the money coming in from her at wasn't stable enough to depend on, and the only available time she had was to work as a photographer on weekends. They weren't broke. However, between rent, utilities, groceries, insurance, gas, Levi's business, (F/n)'s student loans, (F/n)'s current tuition, and savings. They didn't have much money to spare.

With all the new dilemma moving in made, there was one positive that outweighed everything else. At the end of any day, the other person was always there for you. Bad days weren't uncommon for the two.

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