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"Why are you being such a dick!?" (F/n) yelled defensively at Levi. Her anger had been building up into this moment. "I wanted to share this with you and now you're acting like I'm the problem! Am I the problem!? If I am, just say so!"

"I'm not being a dick! I told you I'm not into this and you keep pushing it on me! What do you expect me to be all rainbows and sunshine! I can't even do that on a good day!" Levi yelled back.

"Well maybe you if had any identity outside of being a cold-hearted bitch, we could do something you like, I'm trying to keep us from falling apart. Obviously, I seem to be the only one who cares about us!" What she just said registered in mind. "Oh no, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that." She came up to Levi and hugged him apologetically.

"It's fine." He stated. He pat the top of her head. "... But I think you should go. I need some space." He said.

(F/n) understood. She released him, "I'll call later. I'm sorry." She closed his room door behind her.

Farlan and Isabel were hanging out in the living room together. Their head turned to her. "You guys okay?" Farlan asked.

"Uh, we will be." (F/n) replied. "I'll see you guys later." She put her shoes on at the front door and left. She clamped her hand over her mouth she muffle her cries. No matter what she did, Levi was always angry and irritated at her. She didn't know what she was doing wrong. She felt even worst that she put her frustration of not understanding him into anger against him.

Their relationship had finally passed the honeymoon stage and things were getting real.

She pulled out her phone and texted me.

(F/n): I'm sorry once again. Call me whenever you're ready to talk. I want to figure this out.

Levi picked up his phone once it vibrated and read the text from (F/n). He placed his phone back down. He took another deep breath and wiped his tears from his eyes. He didn't like the fact that they keep fighting either. It wasn't common for them to do so. Disagreements were fine, they were very different people that was not unusual. Their disagreements were resolved by agreeing to disagree or being educated on the other's view point and accepting it.

But there was a larger deep rooted issue. Although Levi was blunt and (F/n) was overly honest, the two both struggled with facing and communicating tense emotions. The biggest disparity between them is Levi needed to feel in control of his life and (F/n) life was dictated by self-expression.

(F/n) sat in her apartment, looking out the window in her bedroom, waiting from anything from Levi. She slammed her head into her pawns. She didn't mean to say he was a nobody or a cold-hearted bitch. That's what his abusive ex-girlfriend used to call him. She repeatedly cursed to herself.

Her phone went off.

Levi: I'll come get you in twenty. We can get coffee and talk.

(F/n): Yeah, okay.
(F/n): Again I'm sorry.

Levi: I'll see you in twenty.

(F/n) didn't need to do anything but wait since she hadn't change when she arrived home. Levi knocked on her door and they went out, Levi got a black tea and (F/n) got hot chocolate. They went to a nearby park and sat on a bench together.

"This isn't working." Levi said.
"It's not." (F/n) replied. "But why isn't it? We're fine most of the time, but now it feels like we are both struggling with each other."

"I dunno." He replied and took a sip of his drink. "...Why did you go off on me?" He asked.

"I dunno," she answered, "It was like I finally snapped and I was just really angry."

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