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"Come on, Levi. Lighten up, dude." Hanji insisted.

"And why would I do that," my arms remained crossed. She has been bothering for the past half an hour. I sat on my couch with my eyes closed, trying to tune everyone out.

"Well, I tried," Hanji said and gave up.

"Captain, come one, enjoy the party with us." Eren insisted, plopping next to me on the couch.

"Stop calling me Captain. And this is your party, why is it at my house?" I snapped at him.

"Because you have a much nicer place. Plus my debut of being a adult model and you being on the cover of Vogue is a celebration." Eren reasoned.

"Tch, I've been on the cover of Vogue more times than I can count. This party has nothing to do with me except for the fact that a bunch of people are loitering in my home." I stated.

"Fine, have it your way." Eren said.

I finally opened my eyes to watched Eren leave me alone. I heavily exhaled, the vein in my head started to twitch in annoyance as the party continued. The music was loud, there were so many people talking, Jean and Eren were fighting, Hanji was screaming at the top of her lungs, Connie and Sasha were acting like fools.

Jesus Christ.

The door bell rang, Hanji went to go get it. "Levi! Petra's here." Finally someone sane.

Petra sat next to me on the couch. "Hey, babe." She cooed and placed a kiss on my lips. "Why aren't you joining everyone else in the pool?"

"You know this isn't my thing."

"Doesn't matter. Come on, up you go." She stood up and attempted to drag me off the couch which she was failing miserably at, but I acted as if she was actually dragging me. She made me join everyone outside.

"Look who decided to come out..." Erwin teased, "A job only our loving Ms. Petra could do who is also got a gig in Venice, Italy." Everyone cheered for Petra. She smiled happily at everyone. She turned to me and smiled, "If you won't celebrate for yourself, celebrate for me." She held both of my hands and looked into my eyes.


She placed a sweet kiss on my lips and dragged me further in.

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"You know this is a very important summer for us," Erwin said, "Think about how it just started. You on Vogue. Our most profitable teen models are becoming adult models. We signed so many people into the company. And no one can get enough of Levi Ackerman."

"It's going to be one hell of a summer."

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"Levi," Petra muffled into our kiss, she moaned softly. I leaned her down on my bed. Her hands held onto my face pushing my closer to her. "Levi, Levi." She placed a hand on my chest and slightly pushed against it. I lifted myself off of her. "This is very tempting, but I have to be up really early tomorrow."

I got completely off of her and sat up.

"Don't worry as soon as I fly back in from Italy. I owe you a night with just me and you." She placed herself on my lap. "How does that sound?"

"Sounds great." I kissed her softly. I walked her over to the door and kissed her goodnight. I closed the door behind her and heavily sighed. I was finally alone again.

I let my dog, Zelda, out. She was a fairly big Rottweiler, most people found her terrifying but she was so gentle and playful. She was a therapy dog I got about eight years ago. I was never really a fan of animals until Zelda, mostly because I thought they'd just dirty up the place. But Zelda was neat and cleaned up after herself always in fact. On my cleaning days, she'll clean with me.

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