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Culinary school had been going really well for (F/n). The school itself was competitive, but there were unspoken competitiveness between students which was a lot of pressure.

(F/n) went to Levi's apartment after school. Levi opened the door for her and she flopped onto him in exhaustion in annoyance. Levi caught her. This was not new behavior, she always did this when she had a bad day. Levi tossed her over his shoulder and carried her over to his room. He placed down on his bed and she spread out like a starfish.

Levi walked over to his desk to finishing drafting his email for his bank account manager about his deposit capital.

"Bad day?" Levi questioned.
"The worst!" She shot up to sit up. She walked over to her drawer in Levi's room to pick out comfortable clothes to wear. She undressed herself while telling Levi about her day. "I told you that I'm one of three girls compared to 130 boys, right?"


"Well, the guys in my class try to act like we're in competition for their attention. Beatrice and I are cool and we just complain to one another, but Amber screams insecurity and internalized misgongy. And the guys just eat the shit up. Oh and the chef instructer that has a crush on me, right, because of that automatically all my work is discarded to everyone. It's so annoying. And today we just learned that even though his wife is white right in the past he's only dated black women, and from the like fourteen times he's cheated on her all black women. I'm just some kind of weird fetish." (F/n) dressed herself to get comfortable. Once she done explaining her day, she wrapped her arms around Levi shoulders and kissed his cheek. "I don't think I'd survive without you. But also thank god, Beatrice and the actual good guys at school, without them I'd probably drop out. Speaking of which Beatrice, Ren, Jesun, and Jaedyn are going out this weekend. Wanna come?"

"I'm working this weekend. What time?"
"This Saturday at six." (F/n) answered.

"Do you really want me there?"
"Yes," she cooed, "I love you and want everyone to know I do. Plus, I kinda talk about you all the time so it'll be cool if they actually met you. Only if you want too, if you're tired from work then it's cool."

Levi looked over to (F/n) to think about it. Seeing her sauded his position because now he couldn't say no to her pretty face. "Okay." (F/n) did a little head bob in joy and kissed his cheek. He clicked his tongue in response.

"Now..." She proposed. "Do you want to talk about it?" She gently placed her hands on his shoulders and left little kisses on his cheek, jawline, and neck.

"Who told you?"

"Isabel." She informed him.

Earlier, Levi had a panic attack which resulted in him locking himself in the bathroom until it was over.

"... You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but please don't bury it down and think it's going to go away. It's one thing to actually deal with yourself and there's another thing to just suppress it."

Levi didn't say anything. (F/n) tried to course him to talk without pushing his boundaries. "Do you know what may have triggered it?"

"I just had a thought about us. I dunno know it freaked me out."

"Okay, what about it was scary?"

"Can we not?" He asked. "I'm going to finish this email. I have to head to work soon. What do you want to do for dinner?"

"I don't feel like cooking. Do you?" She said.

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