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As I worked, K.C walked around my office. She observed the view in awe, but she didn't really like looking inside my office. She pulled herself away from the window and looked around, "Your face sure is everywhere." She turned to me and came closer, "So Levi, what do you do?"

I looked up at her just for a second then back at my computer to continue my search on paternity test.

"I'm a model and the Chief Operations Officer here at Scout Regiment, a modeling agency. I'm also the founder and CEO of Farzabel's Place." I told her.

"How are you a model? Aren't models suppose to be tall?" K.C asked me when she talked about being tall. She looked up and put her arms up in the air.

For second, a memory of (F/n) telling me story flashed through my head. She was CEO of talking with her hands.

"Do you like ever shut up?" I asked her.

"Shut up isn't a nice thing to say. Would you like it if someone else told you to shut up?" She asked. I was amused. I'd like someone to try and tell me to shut up.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever kid." I brushed her off. I finished booking an appointment for a paternity test after work. I closed the tabs and started doing actual work.

"Levi, where's the bathroom?" She asked me.

"Do you have to go right now?" I questioned.

"Yes." She said straining the yes and doing a little dance. I clicked my tongue. I picked up my phone and rang for my assistant, Amelie. She entered my office.

"Can you take K.C to the bathroom?" I asked her.

"Who's K.C?" Amelie asked.

"Me," K.C answered. "You're really pretty. What's your name?"

"Aren't you sweet? I'm Amelie. I'll show you to the bathroom." Amelie said.

"Also can you cancel my three o'clock. I have somewhere else to be." I told her. "Also I need a list of full-time nannies by tomorrow."

"Will do." She answered.

| | | K.C's POV | | |

Amelie walked me to the bathroom and waited outside. I pulled my phone out and called Mom.

"Hi, baby," my mom said answering the phone.

"Hi, Mommy." I replied smiling. "How did it go?" I asked her.

"Amazing! The restaurant should be opening after I get back from my trip. I'm so excited!" She exclaimed. "How's the dorms? Are they as fancy as they claim to be?"

Over the summer, I was suppose to be attending a summer program at one of the top ranking performing arts boarding schools in the country. I auditioned in. I insisted that I stayed over in the dorms in the summer while my mom was busy traveling. But I went on my mom's laptop and changed that I'd wouldn't be staying in the dorms.

"Super fancy. It has such a great view too." I told her.

"Remember to send me lots of pictures. I'll send you a bunch too." She said.

"Yes, ma'am." I replied.

"Alright, Sweet Pea, have fun. My flight will be taking off soon." She said.

"Okay, bye, Mommy. I love you." I said.

"I love you more." She said. "Bye."

I put my phone away and actually used the bathroom, I walked out of the bathroom. Amelie showed me back to Levi's office. On the way, I saw Hanji again. I excitedly waved at her.

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