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Levi sat with (F/n)'s friend, Dominique, during (F/n)'s very long, very boring graduation ceremony. Most of the time, they were on their phones or either talking with one another. (F/n)'s camera was on Levi's lap, she wanted to get her walking across stage on video.

The ceremony continued to drag on. They started saying the names of graduates. Levi got the camera ready when they started on (Last Name Initial).

"(F/n) (L/n)."

(F/n) proudly walked across the stage. Her family, friends, and classmates cheered as she did so. She grabbed her diploma and shook the hands of the department of arts president's hand.

Levi recorded the whole process. He was so proud of her. More time went on and finally the graduation ended.

(F/n) found Levi and Dominique first. She hugged her best friend and moved onto kiss her boyfriend. They both expressed how proud they were of her. She smiled at them.

"I'm so tired and hungry." (F/n) whined. She had arms on Dominique's shoulder and put all her weight on her back.

"I told you to eat breakfast." Dominique told her.

"I know, but I woke up late." She whined. "I didn't want to be the person late to their own graduation."

"How did I know this was going to happen?" Levi said. He reached into (F/n)'s purse that he had asked her to pick up on his way here. He packed a bottle of water and granola bars in it just in case something like this happened.

(F/n) bear hugged Levi, "Ah, I wuv you so much."

"So, you're just hungry. Now, eat, brat." He told her and shoved the granola bar in her mouth.

(F/n) ate her snacks and talked with the two of them. She told Levi stay here while Dominique and her went to find her family who were calling her cellphone.

They finally found them, actually it was more like her family found them. AJ shamelessly picked her up and had her on his shoulders. (F/n) squealed from being to high and clung onto his head. AJ laughed at her.

"Oh my god! Put me down! AJ!" She yelled at him. He spun around before letting her back on the ground.

Peyton bear hugged her as if she was a proud mother. She squeezed her tightly. "I'm so proud of you!" She exclaimed before letting her go.

Next were the twins, Damion and Marcel, teased her for not being done with school since she was going to culinary school after this. (F/n) glared at her brothers and then to shut up.

Jackson congratulated her sister for being so cool and finishing school and learning french on top of it.

(F/n) father hugged and her lifted her off the ground during the heartfelt embrace which caused her to giggle. He lovingly kissed her cheek. He was so happy she was getting closer to coming back home. He's been so worried ever since she came to France all by herself. Lastly, (F/n)'s mother smothered her with love and compliments.

Now that everyone had their time with (F/n), Dominique dramatically cleared her throat.

"Oh, this is my roommate and best friend, Dominique." (F/n) introduced her to everyone.

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