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Once again, K.C did end up sleeping in my room, she really didn't like her own. I ignored her and just went to sleep.

To my surprise, K.C was up before I was. She was the one to wake me up to start the day. She was already dressed, had her bag packed, obviously was super excited. She sat on top of my stomach and shook my shoulders while happily giggling.

"It's Monday! My very first day!" She cheered happily. Zelda joined her, Zelda had her two front paws on me. "Come on, you have to start a good day with a good breakfast."

"Okay, okay..." I tiredly said. I sat up causing her to fall back and roll until she sat up again.

"Hurry!" She yelled and ran out my room.

I got ready for my day and made breakfast fort the both of us, while I was cooking, K.C came down the steps to the main floor.

"Levi," K.C called out halfway down the steps, "Do you know how to use a flat iron?"

"Yes, why?"

"I want to straighten my hair." She stated.

I looked up and glared at her, "Now why would you want to do that?"

"All the ballerina and pretty people have straight hair, not curly hair. Misty Copeland has straight hair so does Natalia Osipova. All your friends have straight hair, Hanji, Erwin, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, maybe Connie and you're a model and you have straight hair. Straight hair is pretty."

"Your mother has curly hair. Is her hair ugly?" I asked.

K.C shook her head. "But Mommy's curls are different than mine."

"Here..." I placed her plate on the table, "I'm going to get ready and we can talk about straightening your hair."

I did my regular morning routine but intently washed hair in the shower. I dressed up in a suit as I usual did and went down the stairs. When K.C saw me her jaw dropped.

"No... way." She exclaimed.

"Yes way." I replied back. My hair was naturally wavy though I never wore it like that. I stopped perming my hair a while ago and now I straighten my hair every time I have to wash it. I got made fun of my wavy hair once when I was a kid and I guess that just stuck with me, I didn't care about that now but I was simply just so use to seeing my hair straight.

"Now... do I look ugly without straight hair?" I asked her. She shook her head. I spoke again, "You're hair is beautiful just the way out is just like you. You're right in the middle of me and your mother's. Do you know your hair type?"

"3c." She declared with a bit more pride.

"If I go out with natural hair from now on. Will you wear your curls?" I asked. She smiled brightly and nodded. "Good." I said. I took a seat next to her and ate breakfast with her. Her smile of bliss stayed on her face. I took a sip off my tea and found myself softly smiling at her as well.

When it was time to leave, K.C had her gym bag on her shoulder ready to go. We walked out of the apartment together. I drove her over to school. I walked her inside and registered her in. I wasn't surprised by all the stares I got.

I finished signing her in, I had to do a little more paperwork for the change of address and care taker for the summer since it was not her mother.

"Alright, you're good to go. We'll take care of K.C." The man working the front desk said.

K.C looked abundantly excited. I knelt down to her height, "After school, we have that thing later, okay. Have a good day. I want to hear all about it during dinner."

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