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"Hey! Hey! Hi!" Hanji loudly exclaimed. Sometimes I forget she knows the password to the penthouse. I ignored her for now. She didn't know I was in K.C's room so I could catch at least five minutes of sleep before she found me. I did just that.

I woke up to flashes of a camera. I finally opened my eyes to glare at Shitty Four-Eyes. Hanji was too busying gushing over K.C and I. K.C groaned softly in her sleep. I clicked my tongue at Hanji for disturbing her. I got out of bed and dragged Hanji out by her collar.

Hanji was still in her own world, swiping through the pictures she took. "You're such a softie. You even got her her own room." She commented. 

I simply rolled my eyes. I walked down the hall to get to my own room.

"She's growing on you." Hanji asserted.

I walked into my room and locked the door.

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"Cooking Time!" Hanji and K.C cheered. Hanji placed K.C on her shoulder. K.C threw her hands up in the air in excitement. "What are we having for breakfast, Captain Clean?" Hanji asked.

"Waffles!" K.C lowered her voice to talk to me. "Levi, can we make waffles? The super fluffy kind?"

"Sure." I answered. I pulled out the utensils and ingredients to make waffles. I focused on making the batter for waffles. Hanji let K.C down. K.C filled Zelda's bowls with food and water for her. She picked up her favorite stool and set it next to me and climbed on top of it.

"Can we make them chocolate waffles?" K.C asked. I wasn't a fan of sweets. K.C was aware if that, but I want didn't care enough to make two different batches.

"If you find cocoa powder in 30 seconds, we can have chocolate waffles."

"But I don't know where–"

"Oh no, time is ticking." I commented. She puffed her cheeks and started on her search. "Hanji!" K.C screamed.

"Yes!" Hanji walked over from the living room.

"We need to find cocoa powder for chocolate waffles." She informed Hanji.

"Let's get to work." They ran alone the kitchen checking and searching.

"5. 4. 3. 2-"

"Found it!" K.C announced. The cocoa powder was on the top shelf of a cabinet. In K.C's over-excitement, she fell back. Almost instantly, all my breath left my body, I dropped what I was doing and caught her. I sighed in relief when I caught her. Hanji placed her hand over her heart in shock and to calm herself down.

K.C looked around and pat herself down. "My life flashed before my eyes. It was short, but it flashed." She commented. I placed her down. "Thank you. I'll be more careful."

"Come help me with the waffles?" I asked her. She joined me. K.C and I have become cooking partners ever since she had arrived. I kept watching her intently, almost as if I was analyzing her.

"Levi." Hanji called out. I snapped out of it and turned my head to her. "She's okay." Hanji said, knowing the K.C's fall triggered my OCD. The reminder was helpful. Instead of staring at her, I compulsively kept looking back. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her and if it did and I didn't do anything to prevent or stop it. I'd lose my mind. That's all I could think about through the whole waffle process.

K.C whispered sang to herself, "Do you like waffles Yeah, we like waffles! Do you like pancakes? Yeah, we like pancakes! Do you like french toast? Yeah, we like french toast! Do-do-do-do. Can't wait to get a mouthful! Waffles! Waffles! Waffles! Wa- Do-do-do-do. Can't wait to get a mouthful!"

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