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"Tch," Levi clicked his tongue at (F/n)'s smile. He had made dinner reservations at her favorite restaurant she was too broke to afford going to often. He wanted to do something nice for her after her first day. They walked side by side hand-in-hand.

"You know you're actually really soft." (F/n) commented.

"Soft? I am not soft." Levi disagreeing with her.

"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."

(F/n) tripped on a crack in the sidewalk, she stumbled just a bit and cursed under her breath. Her hand departed from Levi's from the sudden jolt.

"Are you okay? Did you hurt your foot? Do you need me to carry you? Stupid fucking sidewalk."

When (F/n) looked up, she was smirking at Levi. She only pretended to have tripped to see Levi's response. Levi clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes in annoyance for proving her point. He started walking on without her. She slightly jogged to catch up with him, she matched her hands with his again, giggling at his fake aloofness towards her.

They arrived at the restaurant and were seated at their table. Picking things (F/n) wanted to do was extremely easy. It was either food or something dorky. Levi eyes stayed glued on (F/n) who was smiling brightly down at her menu. He was completely captivated her in bliss. He simply just stared at her while she looked down at menu trying to decide what to order. God, I love you so much. He said to himself in his head.

The sense that someone was staring at her filled (F/n)'s senses, she looked up to see Levi looking at her like she was the only right answer. She smiled at him being so happy that she found him. Mentally she thanked that kid for dropping their bucket on her head.

They talked amongst themselves. (F/n) got to tell Levi everything that happened on her first day. Levi spoke about his day which to him was less eventful. (F/n) went on to talk about random things and told jokes that Levi never laughed at, but would shake his head in disapproval but still in amusement.

They ordered. The rest of their night went smoothly. (F/n) refused to let Levi pay for the entire bill, leaving Levi to tell her to do what she wants which was to split the bill. On their way out, (F/n) felt Levi slightly squeeze her hand. She looked towards his face to see what was going on. His eyes were on beautiful women with long, waist-length, dark hair and green eyes.

"Who's that?" (F/n) asked.
"My ex." He answered.

"Oh." Is all (F/n) could think of saying, no better words fit her current thoughts. The couple continued walking hoping they could go on and mind their business. Not wanting something like an ex to ruin their night. Unfortunately, the green-eyed women called Levi's name.

He faced her. "What do you want, Gabrielle?"

"Just to say hi. It's been so long. I've missed you so much. How have you been? Give me a hug." When Gabrielle was leaning into Levi to steal an embrace, (F/n) stepped in between them. "Oh and who is this?" Gabrielle asked.

"(F/n), his girlfriend and you are?" (F/n) stated, even if she knew who she was.

"Gabrielle, it's so nice to meet you." Gabrielle smiled brightly. (F/n), although she didn't want to admit it, acknowledged how drop dead gorgeous Gabrielle was. It pissed her off that even though Gabrielle was a scum of the Earth for emotionally abusing and manipulating Levi, her ugliness didn't show through her physical appearance.

"Yeah..." (F/n) responded not really being into this conversation.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing?" Gabrielle commented sweetly. "You don't really look like Levi's type though."

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