【12 - 1】

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K.C was back in school like she needed to be. Additionally, she went to therapy once a week. I was at work and went to therapy biweekly. Life had cooled down.

K.C and I were accustomed to living with each other. The next major event was K.C's birthday. It was all she could talk about. I need to make it special. It was her very first birthday away from her mom. Hanji was helping a lot in the party planning department.

Despite the upcoming event, K.C still had school to worry about.

I handed all the invitations to K.C. "Alright, hand them off to everyone you want at your party, okay?"

"Aye, aye Captain." She saluted me from the backseat. I kissed her forehead goodbye. She exited the car and walked into school. I drove off to therapy before work.

I sat across from Dr. Snow. "That must be exciting. The first birthday you're spending with your daughter?"

"Exciting isn't the word I'd use, more like nerve racking." I said. "It has to be perfect."


"Because it just does. If it's not perfect, K.C will compare me to her mother realize I'm subpar and never want to have anything to do with me again." I explained.

"Let's talk about why you think people will only want to be around you for the things you do for them and if you're perfect."


After work, I went back to pick up K.C after school. I asked her how her day was. She explained like she always did. I always asked follow up questions about her day.

"Are you ready for the task on the agenda?" I asked her.

"What's on the agenda Captain?" She questioned eagerly.

"First food." I said.
"Food always comes first." K.C agreed.

"Healing the mind."

"To keep my technique."

"Resting is important."

"My day to choose."

"New to-do list."
"That sounds about right."

K.C and I were on the same page for the rest of the day. We ate out today. Then I drove her over to therapy. I parked the car. I walked her into therapy. I waited in the waiting's room while she was in the back with her therapist.

K.C excitedly came out, skipping over to me. She embraced me. I pet her head. I thanked her therapist, K.C followed my action of thanking her therapist as well.

When we went home, K.C took some down time. Then she went to her dance studio to practice. I kept her company. I took my laptop and iPad with me. I was still busy doing work. I was also answering calls of people RSVPing to K.C's birthday party.

The summer was almost halfway over which means K.C's big performance was coming up and so was (F/n)'s appearance. That was terrifying... seeing (F/n) again after all these years...

After practicing, K.C stretched and decompressed. I looked up from my electrons as she stretched. "Alright, it's your day to pick. What are we making?" I asked her.

"Let's make... carne asada with a salad." K.C chimed.

"Alright," I said. "Go do your thing for like two hours. Then we'll cook dinner."

"You got it, Captain!"


We ended our day reflecting on everything we did together. We both had to say one thing that we did well in the day even if it was just getting out of bed.

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