【11 - 1】

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I went into work to grab a few things. I was going to straight back home. I didn't want to leave K.C at home alone while she was sick, but I also still had a my career.

"Heya, Shorty." Hanji cheered.

"What?" I said. I never understood how she could stay so cheerful.

"What's the rush to go home?" Hanji asked.
"The brat's still not feeling well."

"Still?" Hanji inquired. "Its probably time you take her to a doctor then." I stopped what I was doing and looked straight at Hanji in complete, utter shock. "What?" Hanji asked.

"No, it's just you said something of value." I answered.

"Rude." Hanji said. They came to my side. "I'm here so I'll come with you."

"Don't you have work to do?"

"Nothing is now important to me than K.C." Hanji declared. Hanji's phone rang. It was Moblit. "There's is one thing equally as important to K.C to me." Hanji declared one more before they walked out to answer the phone. I rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue. I decided I'd wait for the crazy person since they wanted to tag along. While I did that I checked the cameras just to check on K.C. She was just on the couch watching TV.

I put my phone away. Hanji came up. They awed at the fact that I waited for them. I clicked my tongue, only to receive a smile in response. We walked out my office, then the building to my car. I drove us over to my place.

"I'm home." I announced.

"Hi, Levi." K.C greeted. She turned and looked at me. Her eyes gleamed when she saw Hanji. "Hanji!" She rang cheerfully.

"Hey, mini titan." Hanji said in response. "Your dad said you're still not feeling well. So, we gotta make a trip to the doctor just to make sure everything's okay."

"I don't wanna go to the doctors. I rather stay home." K.C said.

"You don't get much of a choice on this one." I told her. "I can't keep staying home and you have to get back in school. So come on."

K.C slouched down on the couch until she was on the floor in defeat. She dragged herself over to the door to put on her shoes on. She, obviously, didn't want to go too the doctor. She continued this act all the way to the car.

Hanji and I tried to make conversation with her, but she was silent. That's not something K.C usually was. K.C was a very expressive, talkative, sassy person like her mother. I looked at her through the rear view mirror. Her eyes aimlessly looked out the window.

When we finally arrived, I offered to hold her hand the whole time. K.C refused and kept to herself. She never refused to hold my hand. We sat in the living room. I was going through my emails on my phone and Hanji was keeping K.C entertained.

"Kennedy-Cameron." A nurse said. I stood up as did Hanji and K.C. We followed behind the nurse. She lead us to a another room. She opened the door for us to let us enter. "The doctor will be with you all shortly." I nodded. She closed the die behind her.

It was just the three of us.

I looked over to be my silent brat. "Hey," I said calmly, "How are you feeling?" I asked her. She just shrugged her shoulders. I looked over at Hanji and they also looked over at me. This definitely wasn't the energy K.C usually had. I had no idea what was going on with her. Maybe she was just sick? Maybe something happened at school that I didn't know about? Maybe something at home that I did that hurt her feelings? Either way something was obviously wrong.


"Alright," the doctor started, "Well, K.C is perfectly fine." She looked over to K.C. "Do you want to tell them or do you want me to do it?"

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