To kill or to probably be killed

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Dante~ I need to get back out there and find him. I'm not gonna let this drag on any longer. Innocent people are dying because he's so thirsty to kill me. He can't control himself, I know it. I have to find him but it's so difficult for me to track him all I know is that he could be hiding out by the hospital.

Jamie~ *sigh* Dante we are known as Night Owls for a reason. We become the predators at night our speed and abilities give us the advantage regardless of how strong your brother may be. Especially the fact that it's two against one. And don't tell me that I'm not going with you us Night Owls fight together plus you kinda need me.

Dante~ I guess I have no choice… ok you take the lead.

I reached over to my chain necklace and put it on before Jamie turned off the lights in my room. The room was pitch black I couldn't see anything. All I could see was my phone's screen.

Dante~ What the hell turn my damn lights back on.

Jamie~ Relax We need to head outside anyway. Follow me.

Jamie jumped out of the window without hesitation landing safely on the ground. She looked up to me whispering to me.

Jamie~ Jump out!

Dante~ That's a long fall no way this can be safe.

Jamie~ You have a brother waiting to kill you at any moment and you're worried about a little jump. Dante man the fuck up and get your ass down here.

Dante~ Fine but if I break a bone it's on you.

Ok keep in mind my house is two stories and she wanted me to jump from my upstairs bedroom onto the concrete driveway. I finally decided to jump and to get Jamie to stop nagging at me. Jamie is really impatient at times.

Dante~ Wow that was nothing I thought I would have broken a bone.

Jamie~ Perks of being naturally agile.

Dante~ Let's get going we need to find Donny ASAP.

Jamie~ Donny?

Dante~ Oh Ummm he's my brother so I decided to call him by his real name. I at least want to try to accept him as my brother before I do anything to harm him.

Jamie~ I understand even though it's hard to face the fact that he wants to kill you.

Dante~ Yeah let's get going.

We started searching around the Hospital area looking for the alleyway where I found the dead body. We both figured if he was hiding anywhere it would be anywhere around the area the body was found.

Jamie~ Dante can you tell me what happened to the person that was killed?

Dante~ The body looked like it was slashed and cut. But they looked really small compared to normal Almost as if someone was torturing that person. Nothing was cut off the body though that's all I remember.

Jamie~ Sounds like he had all the time in the world. If that's the case he's gotta be hiding somewhere in that area. Nobody would take their time to kill someone and not have a quick escape route to a safezone of some sort.

Dante~ Yeah…

Jamie~ Ummmm Dante… are you ok? You look like something is bothering you.

Dante~ It's just… I don't think I can kill my own brother. I can either talk to him or kill him… what do I do? I have two different options to choose from but I can't choose. I feel like it's to kill or to probably be killed… but I don't want either.

Jamie~ Dante… this is all I can say a wise man once told me "An option is an option but it can be more than just an option if you follow your heart and not your brain". Basically he told me at times like this the best option is the option your heart chooses. Let your heart choose your path. Now with that said what's your decision?

Night Owls Vol.1{An Unexpected Reunion}Where stories live. Discover now