First day back Pt.1

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I was so confused, is he my dad or not? I didn't know how to react to this. The man even looked like me. He has my red eyes and dark skin. Both me and mom helped him in the house and set him on the couch.

Dante~ What the hell is going on and who is this?

Rose~ I don't know what's going on Dante.

The man woke up and stood in front of us. Both me and him made eye contact.

Rose~ Dante… is that you…?

Ralph~ Huh? No I'm Ralph not Dante whoever that is.

Rose~ Why do you look just like my husband? You have his eyes, nose, lips, ears, everything.

Ralph~ I don't know what you're talking about but I just came over to let you know I saw something snooping around your house. It was a black figure of some sort. It looked like a blacked out human picture if you were to add a bunch of grain to it. I only saw if for a second before I blinked and it disappeared.

Rose~ Well that's great. First I mistake a man for my husband and now people are snooping around my house.

Dante~ At least it can't get worse.

Ralph~ Well I'm gonna head back home I'll let you know if I see anything else have a good night you two.

Dante~ You too.

The man left the house. My mom decided to go to bed a little early that night and for the rest of the night I was in my room wondering what school will be like now that I'm going back. I got on my PC wanting to type down how I felt about that day before I was hospitalized. A notification popped up at the bottom right of my computer screen. I clicked on the notification to find that I was sent a message from Twilight. I was surprised to get a message in general at this time of night... but from Twilight it kinda hit differently. I won't lie.

Dante~ "Hey it's Twilight I need to talk to you about something it's really important… If you can, can you meet me at the park after school? I feel like that would be the best place to talk. I would talk about it now but you're in the hospital and even when you wake up in the hospital that wouldn't be the best place to talk"

I was confused I didn't know how to react to this. I felt a complete rush of anxiety all through my body. My lungs felt like they were two times smaller and my vision was completely blurry. After all of that I passed out… When I woke up I was in bed the lights were completely out but my PC was still on. I got up and turned the screen. I was still on the message I read before I passed out. I wanted to talk to her. I felt like I had to so I sent her a message back.

Dante~ "Hey it's Dante look I would love to meet up with you the park sounds great meet me after school in the morning."

It was after that when the message was sent I powered down my PC and went back to bed for the rest of the night. Fast forward through the night and I wake up to get ready for school. After getting ready for school I left the house and started walking to school. And I heard footsteps behind me. I was completely tired of this stalker so I stopped in place not even bothering to turn around.

Dante~ Look I know you're watching me everywhere I go so just drop it ok. Stop hiding and show yourself.

After telling my close up stalker that I had enough basically she finally decided to show herself. She was my height, dark skin with black hair and red eyes with glasses on.

Jamie~ Awwww I was having fun too.

Dante~ Who the hell are you?

Jamie~ I'm Jamie and you must be Dante.

Dante~ Yeah question why have you been following me?

Jamie~ I needed to see if the rumors are true and apparently they are. Hehe you're a night owl... are you?

Dante~ So maybe I am why do you care?

She got closer and started caressing me.

Jamie~ Well I may or may not be a night owl as well. And when I saw you omg I just couldn't keep my eyes off you. How can anyone overlook a guy so handsome and sexy? I don't think girls know how perfect you are.

Dante~ Can you like get the hell off of me for a first impression you sure are pretty lustful.

Jamie~ It's my main sin I can't help it. But maybe you can help me… "control" it.

Dante~ Yeah never in a million years. I'm going to school.

Jamie~ I'll come with you to protect you gorgeous. Plus I go to the same school as you.

Dante~ *sigh* Please someone run this crazy bitch over.

After that really really awkward encounter we made it to the school. I didn't see rip along the normal path we take so I just guessed he made it to school without me. I don't blame him. The second I opened the main doors to the school everyone stopped and stared at me. It was like they saw something that I didn't see at all. I walked to my first period class with all eyes on me some of them were even whispering to their friends about me. I felt like I didn't belong at this school, I felt like I was the odd one out.

Rip~ Hey Dante, who's the chick?

Dante~ Oh hey Rip this Jamie a.k.a. "The Stalker"

Rip~ Wow I imagined her to be a bit more short honestly.

Jamie~ I'll be anything for my handsome platinum trophy of a man.

Dante~ I swear on my mom's name I will clobber you if you don't leave me alone.

Jamie~ I see playing hard to get huh ok I'll see you sometime later my king.

Jamie vanished in a cloud of smoke. Both me and Rip started walking to class. The halls were full of people and their eyes were on me.

Dante~ Was what I did that bad for everyone to just stare at me the whole time…?

Rip~ Hey I gotcha bro I won't let anyone hurt you.

Dante~ Thanks Rip.

Rip~ Not a problem now let's get to class. The staring is starting to make me uncomfortable.

We got to the classroom door and entered the class. Before we sat down I felt a sting of nervousness in my heart, brain and legs. I could barely walk straight. I made it to my desk without messing anything up. Looking away from everyone I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Maggie standing in front of me.

Maggie~ Hi Dante I wanna let you know that everyone isn't mad at what you did they're just scared that it might happen again. Honestly I'm scared to but that won't stop me from being your friend. But I do have to ask what are you gonna do when the Dawgs come after you?

Dante~ Oh well I didn't really think they would want to mess with me after what happened.

Rip~ You thought hella wrong now they want to practically kill you especially flash. Everyone was informed of what you are to so everyone knows you're a night owl.

Dante~ I don't know what to do! I don't want to hurt anyone…

Maggie~ Don't worry me and Rip will have your back.

Rip~ Yeah they'll have to get through us first.

Dante~ Thanks you guys I'm glad to have friends like you.

The bell rang and class began. I didn't want the class to end at all cuz that only meant the faster it ends the less time it will take for our lunch period to come around. All I did was think to myself… "what am I gonna do…?"

Night Owls Vol.1{An Unexpected Reunion}Where stories live. Discover now