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I told mom everything that happened last night. She didn't seem bothered by what happened at all but she was a bit quiet. She was so quiet not even Fluttershy's soft voice could compete with my mother's silence. She stood up and walked upstairs to her room. She stopped for a brief moment and turned to me.

Rose~ I'm going to bed. I suggest you do the same. Jamie is already asleep so try not to wake her up.

Dante~ Mom… are you ok?

Rose~ Just go to bed dear. Goodnight

Dante~ Goodnight mom.

My mother headed straight to bed leaving me in the living room. I stared at the TV for at least an hour thinking about what Donny told me before he collapsed last night. I started to speak to myself in a soft voice, a voice so soft I could barely feel my vocal cords vibrate.

Dante~ "It's all up to you" but why…? Who jabbed that knife into Donny and what is he or she capable of? Can I stop them? *Sigh* just when I thought I could relax… something new pops up. I remember what the knife looked like, the handle at least. It had a blue handle with greek carvings on it and a blue gem. Whoever did this I will make them pay…

I started to get a dark feeling inside me, a feeling full of hate and anger. Before I knew it my skin was purple and half my body was pitch black. I rushed to a mirror and saw my hair turn white along with my eyes glowing red. I couldn't let this moment be forgotten so I reached for my phone and took a picture of myself. After that I put my phone down and looked at myself. I still had that sinister feeling in me. The amount of hate I felt, the urge to rip someone in half, the feeling to hunt someone down… it was getting to me and I couldn't let that happen. I tried to calm down until I noticed I had my necklace on and that was supposed to stop this from happening. It was until then I found my way back to the living room I was breathing heavily along with having blurry vision. My head was getting lighter and lighter until I passed out. I saw myself and nothing but an empty void of darkness until a random spec of light appeared. The more I got closer to the light the brighter the light got. The light started to overpower the darkness and before I knew it I found myself in a weird looking sanctuary.

Dante~ Am I dead!? Where am I? What is this place? Wait what's that in the distance?

I ran over to what it was I saw and tried to make direct contact with it but it shines even brighter, practically blinding me. Then it spoke…

???~ Hello… I am your light. I keep you from going down the path your brother has chosen.

Dante~ Wow almost like a guardian angel. Hey can you tell me where I am?

???~ You are in your own head, you were being corrupted by negative energy so I stopped the energy from taking over you.

Dante~ Ok I guess I'm not dead.

???~ Not at all anyway I have to go now. I won't bother you unless you really need me. I'm here for anything you need help with. Until next time Dante goodbye.

Dante~ Wait!

It vanished along with everything else around me. Minutes later I woke up on the couch. I noticed the sun was coming up after noticing it was 6:30am I got up and decided to get an early head start. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, ate breakfast the usual and left the house. I left the house so early I was able to catch Twilight leaving her house to get to school. I caught up to Twilight and started walking with her.

Twilight~ You're up early. How did you sleep?

Dante~ I slept pretty good, how about you?

Twilight~ I slept great.

Night Owls Vol.1{An Unexpected Reunion}Where stories live. Discover now