Finally we can rest... right?

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Dante made it back to Sunset's room and entered.

Dante~ I'm back everyone!

Dr.Mike~ Great you're here! I assume you found him right?

Dante~ He's back in his room and has done no harm to anyone.

Dr.Mike~ Thank you Dante I can't possibly tell you how much I appreciate this.

Dante~ Not a problem I knew he didn't get far anyway.

Dr.Mike~ Well thank you I have to go now you all have a good day.

*Dr.Mike exits the room*

Rainbow~ What happened and where was he?

Dante~ He somehow got on the roof and nothing bad happened we just... talked.

Applejack~ What did you two talk about?

Dante~ Nothing much really.

Sunset~ Well I'm glad nothing went wrong. The last thing we need is anyone causing anymore trouble.

Dante~ He's powerless for now at least until he heals from his stab wound. Even after he heals his body is gonna need to rest for some time. But for right now we can't let him or anything else stress us out. We've been through a lot in such a small amount of time. We can't keep looking back into the past. Now it's time we look forward and move forward with our time together. Rip got beat up and terribly injured, Sunset was hospitalized, Donny tried to kill me, Twilight wanted me to turn her into a Night Owl, the school burnt down, and you all finally reunited with each other, restoring the magic inside you. We had a lot happen to us and if you ask me... it's finally over. The past is finally the past. What I'm trying to say is... we made it and we can finally rest.

Rarity~ Well I guess this all really is over. No more stress.

Applejack~ No more worries.

Fluttershy~ And no more evil.

Sunset~ *yawn* Well I don't know about you guys but I am tired.

Rip~ It's only three hours past noon and I'm tired too.

Applejack~ I'm kinda tired, but ah got a lot of chores at the farm to get to. I'll talk to you all later.

Rainbow~ Remember we're just a text away.

Applejack~ Ah know Rainbow bye y'all.

Applejack left the hospital after her saying goodbye to us. Soon everyone else started leaving even me and Twilight. We all said goodbye to each other before leaving the hospital even though I was gonna spend the rest of the day with Twilight at her place. Me and Twilight never got around to fully hanging out with each other but at this time we were too tired to go somewhere other than her place. Everyone decided to walk home with whoever lived in whatever direction they did remember we didn't get to the hospital in a car. Even though I was tired I decided to fast travel both me and Twilight straight to her room, using the last of whatever energy I had in me. When we appeared right in her room we took off our shoes and put them by the door. She got in bed and patted down the empty spot next to her, signaling me to get in bed with her. I wanted to make her blush before I got in bed so I took off my shirt. I could see her face turning red a bit but she didn't know that. I got in bed with her and wrapped her in my arms as she nuzzled into my chest and started caressing me.

Twilight~ *sigh* You know the last time we were in bed together we accidentally fell asleep together.

Dante~ Yeah then your dad barged in the room pissed off that he caught us in bed together.

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