The Meet Up Pt.1

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I woke up three hours before school and grabbed my phone. I wanted to see if Rip was able to go to the mall with me and Twilight. I haven't checked on Rip at all since what happened at the school yesterday. I grabbed my phone and called Rip not really expecting him to pick up because of how early it was.

*On the phone*

Rip~ Yo 😎

Dante~ 😐Well shit I didn't expect you to pick up.

Rip~ Friend sense I like to call it when you need help I'm always there💯.

Dante~ Then I guess you know I need you. Twilight told me last night that her old friends texted her, they all wanted to meet up. She's scared to go on her own so she asked me to go with her and I wanted to know if you would come with us.

Rip~ Not a problem.

Dante~ Awesome meet us at the mall in an hour we'll be waiting.

Rip~ I gotcha dawg I'll be there.

Dante~ See you there.💯

I hung up the phone and got out of bed. I Quickly took a shower and got dressed for the day. The more I thought about what could happen at the mall I felt like I wanted to hurt whoever these friends of hers were. I felt like I needed to be there for Twilight not only because she's my friend but because I cared about her alot. Twilight needed someone to be there for her and it doesn't look like her family is doing anything to help. My phone buzzed letting me know I got a text from Rip.

Rip~"Hey I made it to the mall and Twilight is already here, she's not looking too good either. You need to get here asap. I'll try to keep her calm.

Dante~ "I'm on my way. Let her know that I'll be there in about 30 minutes"

Rip~ "Try to make that 15 minutes please she might have a panic attack."

Dante~ "I'll try I'm on my way"

I grabbed my backpack and dashed out the house. I ran so fast to the mall without stopping. Everything in my body was telling me I'll disappoint Twilight if i'm not there to make sure everything is ok.

*Rips POV*

Me and Twilight were outside the mall waiting for Dante. I looked at Twilight and she looked even worse that she did when I got off the phone with Dante five minutes ago. I tried to keep her calm with a conversation.

Rip~ How long has it been since you saw them?

Twilight~ Two years... the last time I saw them we were sitting in the school cafeteria... arguing... I really don't want to talk about it though...

Rip~ Ok ok I understand. Can you at least tell me what's up with you and Dante I mean I understand a lot happened but you could at least visit heh.

Twilight~ Sorry for not visiting you, how are you anyway I heard you got hurt.

Rip~ I won't lie your boy got his ass kicked. Only because they all ganged up on me.

Twilight~ Are you ok now?

Rip~ Now I'm ok I just can't push myself too much or I'll never heal. But now back to what i asked what's up with you and Dante?

Twilight~ Well... I told him I wanted to become a night owl...

Rip~ With you knowing the information you hid from me when we tried to research Night Owls.

Twilight~ How did you-?

Rip~ Twilight I know a lot of things like when people are trying to hide something. The only person I can never read is Dante. The man is really unpredictable in reality.

Twilight~ Wow but yes it's true I hid the Information from you... and it said the only ways someone can become a night owl is by asking the leader for the trial to become one of find true love with one...

I noticed Twilight a little shy of her words. She barely made eye contact with me as she told me what she tried to hide from me.

Rip~ Twilight do you love Dante and I mean in a romantic way.

Twilight~ Y...yes Dante. He's willing to get back up when he's down and always there for the ones he cares about.

Rip~ Correction he's there for everyone in the world if one of the Dawgs was about to get shot I guarantee you he will stand in front of the gun and take the shot for him. He is more than just a nice guy, he's a hero and he doesn't see it. Honestly I'm rooting for you Twilight Dante would be glad to have a girl like you in his life.

Twilight~ Thanks that means so much.

After the conversation stopped both me and Twilight saw Dante running towards us. Twilight stood up blushing at the fact that Dante ran all the way from his house to us. Dante approached us, catching his breath.

Dante~ *panting* I'm here... Oh god my lungs...

Rip~ You ran all the way over here why didn't you take the bus?

Dante~ I was gonna but then saw the crazy traffic at the bus stop and I was In a hurry.

Twilight~ Anyway let's go in, they're probably waiting on us inside.

We entered the mall and headed to the food court. Dante was too tired to say a word and I was too hurt to help Dante keep his balance. Dante was holding on to Twilight's shoulder, occasionally losing his balance until we arrived at the food court. Twilight looked around and spotted a group of girls sitting in the very back all of them but one was sitting at the same table. I guess Twilight was really glad to see them for the first time in forever so glad she rushed over to them.


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