Mystery Stalker

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After talking to rip I went ahead home he also did the same. I was almost at home until I heard what sounded like footsteps. I turned around and nobody was there. I became a little paranoid and started sprinting to my house. I was lucky my mom left the door unlocked and I was able to get inside without a problem. I locked the door breathing heavily. It was after that my mom walked in the living room looking at me like she thought I saw a ghost.

Rose~ What's wrong Dante are you ok?

Dante~ Yeah mom I'm ok I just wanted to make it home as fast as possible.

Rose~ Ok dear go get a shower dinner is almost ready. Wait Dante… what's with the bruises you weren't fighting were you?

I had to lie to my mom, she hates it when I fight anyone regardless of who it is. She always told me that the best way to handle things at school was to let an adult handle them, but there was no time to get an adult. I had to do something.

Dante~ No mom I fell hard on the ground and got these bruises.

Rose~ Well ok Dante go clean yourself up.

Dante~ Ok mom.

I went up to my room and jumped in bed. I felt like I wanted to just sleep right there and forget about dinner. I couldn't though my mom would kill me if I skipped dinner. I got up and picked up some light joggers and a sleeveless shirt. When I picked my clothes I headed to the bathroom to take a shower. In the shower all I could think about was who was following me home I could barely think. Whatever was following me was really close to me if I could hear their footprints. After my shower I put my night clothes on and headed to the dining room where my mom was sitting eating the dinner she made for me and her. I sat down with her and started eating. A minute later we started talking.

Rose~ So how was school dear?

Dante~ School was nice, me and Rip had a great day. We decided to sign up for the band club today too.

Rose~ Amazing Dante I know how you and Rip love making music together. Anyway how's the people at the school or the "freaks" is what the government likes to call them.

Dante~ I haven't really spoken to anyone other than Rip. Rip hasn't either.

Rose~ I understand you don't really talk much to new people but to fully get in the feel for the school you have to interact with others in the school.

Dante~ Yeah you're right mom. Man I'm full, my plate is completely clear too.

Rose~ I'm glad you loved it dear. Go put your plate in the sink.

Dante~ Yes ma'am

I walked over to the kitchen sink and placed my plate there. After that I looked at an old photo of me and my sister ally she was adopted and a little older than me after she was introduced to her real parents she went to go live with them when she was eight-teen. She still comes by from time to time to see how we're doing. Ally was an awesome sister. She was always there when I needed her. I started walking to my room. I picked up my phone and decided to call Rip. The phone rang for a few seconds before he actually picked up.

Rip~ Yo

Dante~ Hey rip it's Dante what are you doing?

Rip~ I just ate dinner. My dad slowly cooked a roast with rice and potatoes.

Dante~ Nice I had chicken rice and green beans my mom cooked the food. But anyway I need to tell you something.

Rip~ What happened Dante?

Dante~ I was walking home And as soon as my house was in my view I heard footsteps like someone was right behind me but whoever it was wasn't there when I turned around.

Rip~ So we were right someone is watching us. And whoever it is must be watching you because nothing happened to me. I made it home without a problem.

Dante~ Really? I thought someone would have gotten to you too.

Rip~ You know I'm bolting if it was to happen to me.

Dante~ *chuckles* Yeah most definitely you're way faster than me actually.

Rip~ Yeah hey I gotta go it's getting kinda late so I'mma go to bed you should go to bed too.

Dante~ Yeah I gotta say goodnight to mom first. Goodnight rip.

Rip~ Goodnight Dante.

I hung up the phone, hopped out of bed and headed to my mom's room. I walked in and found my mom in bed watching TV.

Dante~ Hey mom I just wanted to say goodnight and that I love you.

Rose~ I love you dear. Goodnight

I gave my mom a big hug before I left to sleep. When I left the room I saw a dark figure for a split second after I jumped and blinked my eyes the figure was gone. I decided to not let it get the best of me and go to sleep so I went to my room and jumped in bed. I covered myself up facing the wall. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in three minutes. I didn't know what I saw but I knew for sure someone was watching me. I just didn't know who or what.

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