About last night

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The next day came and I woke up in my room. I remember calling for help to get my brother to the hospital but nothing else. Jamie walked in my room and slowly walked towards me.

Dante~ What happened last night? All I remember is getting Donny help and that's it.

Jamie~ The thing is not even I know what happened to you. I was worried about you so I walked to the apartment to see what was up and all I saw was you on the ground with your brother. Don't worry the paramedics made it to the apartment building and took Donny to the hospital.

Dante~ Do the others know what happened?

Jamie~ No I haven't gotten in touch with them to let them know I just thought you wouldn't want to tell anyone.

Dante~ *sigh* Come on we're late enough for school as it is. I see you're already dressed so you go on ahead I'll be there after you. And if anyone asks don't be afraid to tell the truth.

Jamie~ Ok… I'll see you at school.

Jamie disappeared in front of me leaving me here to get ready for school. I got up, took a shower and got dressed to go. I didn't see my mom anywhere so I assumed she was at work. I grabbed my necklace,  placing it around my neck and Quickly transported myself to the school. Everyone was already in class so the halls were really empty and dry. I made my way over to my first period class and to my surprise nobody was there.

Dante~ Hmmmm where is everyone?

Mrs.Reed~ Good morning Dante aren't you supposed to be in class?

Dante~ Good morning Mrs.Reed I am but I don't know where my class is.

Mrs.Reed~ if you have been in class like your supposed to you would know your class has moved to a new room. This classroom is being redone for the time being. Anyway your class room is close to the front section, upstairs, room 1-234.

Dante~ Thank you Mrs.Reed and imma try to be in class more often to avoid this from happening.

Mrs.Reed~ You better now POOF

I was magically transported to my new classroom. I entered the class and everyone stared at me. I noticed we had a different teacher than before. I broke the silence and got the attention of the teacher.

Dante~ Umm hello Ms.

Ms.Celestia~ I'm Ms.Celestia your new algebra teacher. I'm guessing your Mr.Morris. Do you have a nickname or anything you like to be called?

Dante~ You can call me Dante.

Ms.Celestia~ Great take any seat you like I'm only introducing myself today so we don't have any assignments or homework today.

Dante~ Yes ma'am nice to meet you.

Ms.Celestia~ It's nice to meet you too.

I walked over to Maggie and Laura there was a seat open so I sat down with them. I was really confused by everything and I knew they could see the confusion in my face. We all didn't pay much attention to my confusion and sat there quietly letting our teacher introduce herself.

Ms.Celestia~ Ok class like I said I'm Ms.Celestia and I'm your new algebra teacher. I only have one rule and that to respect everyone in this class. I will not tolerate any type of disrespect in this classroom and if any of you break this rule let's just say I hope you enjoy two hours of after school detention. There will be absolutely no talking during that time, you must be working or I'll add either another day or another two hours. Hopefully none of you will get on my bad side and that this will be a good year for us. Anyone have a question….no? Well other than that I'm a cool teacher, I rarely assign homework just get the work done and respect everyone here and we are all good. You guys can have the rest of the period to yourselves.

Night Owls Vol.1{An Unexpected Reunion}Where stories live. Discover now