Ride or die

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Hi... I'm Donny, Donny Dante Morris, but my friends and family call me Dante. Today is the day I got to high school for the first time well me and my friend Rip. Rip and I have been best friends since elementary school who knew we would have made it to high school together. I feel like it was just yesterday when I met Rip for the first time, it was also the day I discovered my secret abilities. I was going to the park and along the way I saw Rip getting bullied. Rip wasn't always the biggest guy around the block but he knew if something was to happen he can get away using his speed. These kids were a lot taller and bigger than rip, they had him to a wall in an alley the same alleyway I take when I go into town. I couldn't stand to see him go through what they were doing to him, Rip was getting beat up by these kids. I couldn't let this happen. I walked up to them and tapped their shoulders. It was right there the second they turned around I took their heads and clashed them together knocking them out. I saw Rip on the ground scared pleading that I don't hurt him. It was after that I held out my hand helping him get up.

Dante~Hey I'm not gonna hurt you...are you ok?

Rip~Yeah I'm ok they bully me everyday and do this to me… and when I go home and tell my mom about it she never tried to do anything about it…

looking at his bruises and I could have sworn they stomped on him considering the fact I saw a footprint on his arm. Rip was sad and looked like he was about to cry. It was after that I asked him if he wanted to go to the park. Rip nodded his head and we headed to the park.

Rip~"Hey… I'm Rip by the way what's your name" 

Dante~"I'm Donny but my family and friends call me Dante''.

It was after that we became friends and always had each other's back. Fast forward to this very day me and Rip are even greater friends. Rip and I have been waiting for the day we go to high school for over a decade. I'm 18 and rip is younger than me by only a year. The school we go to is a school for anyone with any special abilities, we were sent to this school by the government actually but the thing is we don't think we have any special abilities but they teach us the same stuff as in a regular high school. The school was basically to separate the normal one from the "freaks". 
Anyway both me and Rip decided to get the same classes together because we had the same interests, we both wanted to make music so we signed up for anything that involves music especially the band club. I'm the songwriter. I wasn't really an instrument kind of guy or the singing type and Rip on the other hand was the singer and instrument professional. We have made some songs here and there and all of them were really good. Except the first one we made UHHH LETS NOT TALK ABOUT THAT!!!.

The first day in highschool and Rip had already got into trouble that wasn't his fault so I had to fight. I didn't want to but I had no choice so I stood by Rip's side and we fought until we couldn't fight anymore. Somehow we got away with it was only because Rip was a better liar than me or maybe he didn't want to deal with us. He told the principal that we both fell on the hard floor and got these bruises. The principal bought what Rip was saying and let us go.  Little did we know that fight would change our lives.

Dante~ I can't believe that worked.

Rip~ I told you Dante let Rip do the talking.

Dante~ I think he only wanted to go home and not deal with us.

Rip~ Shut up Dante.

Dante~ *chuckles* Hey do you get the feeling we're being watched.

Rip~ You got that feeling too huh? All day I just felt like someone was behind me. You know what they say here in the school "if the feeling is their then chances are that's what's happening".

Dante~ You actually believe that saying!? You know a guy feeling isn't always correct like three out of ten times a gut feeling is actually correct.

Rip~ I mean you do make a good point it's not always best to go with your gut but Everytime I go with my gut I'm always right about it. I don't know about you Dante but I'm keeping my guard up.

Dante~ It is a smart thing to make sure we are aware of our surroundings at all times because of the feeling we've been getting all day. If anything ever happens let me know.

Rip~ I gotcha dawg.

Dante~ Anyway imma get home I'll call you when I'm there later Rip.

Rip~ Later dawg.

After that conversation we went our separate ways and headed home. Neither of us knew what it was we felt but it did let us know that we have to keep our guard up at all times. Keep in mind we're in a school white students who could possibly do anything or be anything like demons, vampires, or even wolves. All I know is that me and Rip were in for the four high school years of our lives.

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