The Ending of a crazy day

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Three hours later I woke up to two people yelling. I saw Twilight sitting on the bed crying. I couldn't just lay in bed and do nothing so I got up as quickly as possible to comfort her. A minute afterward her father came into the room. 

Night~ You! Get the hell out of my house! 

Dante~ Can you tell me what's wrong? 


I didn't want to escalate the issue by rebelling against him so I chose to leave and to talk to Twilight later when I'm at home. I wrapped my arms around Twilight and kissed her before I left. 

Dante~ I'll talk to you later ok Twi. 

Twilight~ Okay… 

I started to leave the room but Twilight's mother velvet entered and stopped me. She gave me a mean look like she was mad at me for something. 

Velvet~ What's your name? 

Dante~ I'm… Dante ma'am. 

Velvet~ How much do you love our daughter?

Dante~ I'd give up everything for her… even my abilities… 

Velvet~ You have powers too? Are you a species or a hand with regular abilities? 

Dante~ I'm a rare species it's nothing much…

Velvet~ Nonsense we never see or have any rare species over. Normally we have the werewolves or the vampires here at night. 

Night~ Velvet What the hell does this have to do with anything? I want him out.

Velvet~ You mind telling us what you are? 

I choked and had nothing to say. I couldn't tell them I was a Night Owl I mean Twilight knows and is ok with it but her parents on the other hand… I looked over at Twilight and saw her shining, worried-looking eyes telling me not to say anything. I wanted to just run away and avoid this but I couldn't just avoid this I had to confess or her parents would have never trusted me… 

Dante~ I come from a kind that was seen as savages of the past. The kind that sees our wrongdoings and has turned over a new leaf. I rep the Night Owls, a nocturnal species. And I will do whatever it takes to keep the ones I love the most as safe as possible. 

Velvet looked at me with a smile on her face and hugged me. Her husband stood confused so did I. I didn't know what was gonna happen next. I didn't want them to take Twilight away from me because of my kind past and what we were known for. Velvet pulled away from me.

Velvet~ Night he's one of them along with me. 

Twilight~ What! You mean you're…

Dante~ You're a night owl? 

Night~ *sigh* I'm sorry Dante… words can't describe how sorry I am… 

Dante~ Don't mention it at all. Anyway, how do I know you're a night owl? 

Velvet~ Night Light, Twilight can you two let me talk to Dante alone, please? I have some educating to do. 

Night~ Let's go Twilight… Now! 

Twilight~ Ok… 

Twilight gave me a quick kiss before she left the room. A minute later Velvet revealed a hidden mark on her neck. The mark was black and glimmering just like my night-like aura. I couldn't believe my girlfriend's mom is a night owl.

Night Owls Vol.1{An Unexpected Reunion}Where stories live. Discover now