Sick Of The Secrets

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Knowing I got away I checked my phone. I saw that Rip sent me a text telling me that they took her to the Central City Hospital. I was far from where I needed to be so I did some experimenting with my powers and wondered something. I closed my eyes and thought about where I wanted to go. It was a little scary but I managed to teleport to the hospital. Of course after that I was a little nauseous but I got used to it with time.

Dante~ Ok Dante you can teleport that's good but hella scary and I feel like I'm gonna be sick. I need to find sunsets room.

I texted Rip asking him which room she was in. He told me that they were on the first floor in room 20. As I made my way to the room all I could do was think of pop… I didn't know I had a brother and I didn't know mom was capable of throwing out one of her own children. Of course she wouldn't tell me that the way pop acted at the school I wouldn't want my kid to be around him either but I wouldn't abandon him that's not right… at all. I made it to the room and opened the door. I saw sunset in the hospital bed still breathing.

Dante~ How's she doing?

Rarity~ They said she'll make it but she's gonna need all the rest she can possibly get.

Fluttershy~ It was really scary they told us her chance of surviving was close to none…

Dante~ I'm sorry guys I should have done something to stop this from happening.

Rip~ He caught us all by surprise Dante nobody knew this was gonna happen. It's all Pops fault this happened and we need to do something about him.

Dante~ I don't think I can do this.

Jamie~ Why my king?

Dante~ When the hell did you get here? And how do you keep finding me?

Jamie~ As a night owl stealth and spying are our best natural skills. You have the skills to you just haven't tapped into that yet.

Dante~ That explains so much. But anyway I just found out something that I don't know if it's true.

Pinkie pie~ OH is it that you've learned how to use your powers or have you found a way to stop Pop once and for all!?

Dante~ No I just found out that me and Pop could be related.

Rainbow~ What…?

Dante~ When you all left he told me that my mom Rose abandoned him after she had me. I don't know why exactly and I still have a hard time believing it. So I'm gonna have to find out for myself.

Applejack~ Where ya goin?

Dante~ Home to confront my mom about Pop.

Rarity~ Darling you can't possibly expect her to come clean about this.

Dante~ She doesn't have a choice.

Rip~ Wait I'm coming with you.

Twilight~ Same with me. Rainbow we're taking your car.

Rainbow~ Fine here's the key.

Twilight~ Thanks Rainbow come guys let's go.

Rip~ Can't Dante just teleport us there?

Dante~ I will puke on you if you make me teleport us to my house.

Rip~ Yo that car sounds really good right now ya know.

Dante~ That's what I thought.

We exited the hospital and hopped in the car. Without a second to waste Twilight started the car and raced to my house. I couldn't begin to father the lies my mom was going to tell me the second I confront her. I wasn't worried about what my mom was gonna do because I knew what she was gonna do. I'm just worried about Pop. Rip looked at me with a concerned face tapping me on the shoulder.

Rip~ Hey you ok? Honestly it scares me seeing you like it's not like you at all.

Twilight~ What's wrong Dante?

Dante~ Ummm… you see… it's… Uhhh…

Twilight~ Whatever that's wrong you can tell us anything.

Rip~ We're here for you bro.

Dante~ Guys… I never told you something about Pop back at the hospital.

Rip~ What is it exactly?

Dante~ He's a night owl…

Twilight immediately pulled the car over and turned to me.

Twilight~ He's a night owl…?

Dante~ Yes and from what we've seen he's not new to his powers just from what we saw he's strong and can destroy anything or anyone in his way. If you ask me I think what he did to sunset was a warning pointed towards you guys.

Rip~ My question is how did he know you were his brother? He had to have only seen you once and that was probably when you were a baby. You've changed so much ever since then.

Dante~ I don't know how he knew who I was all I know is that I'm outmatched… I can't beat him even if I wanted to…

Twilight~ Are you saying you don't want to fight him?

Dante~ Call me crazy but yes... I am. I want to help him instead of fighting him. I don't see a point in fighting over Something that wasn't in my control. Why do I have to go through all of this? And the worst thing about all of this I never knew who he was because my mom always hides everything from me… I'm done with it all… I can't deal with this… she's the reason why all of this is happening if she didn't hide the fact that I'm a night owl and my abilities are completely unstable I wouldn't have scared and harmed the whole school that one day And I wouldn't have an angry unknown sibling wishing he could kill me if he had the chance…

Twilight~ *sigh*

Dante~ What's up Twi.

Twilight~ *blushes*  Umm nothing...We're close to your house so let's get there as quick as possible.

Twilight started the car continuing the drive to my house. When we arrived we got out of the car. I pulled the key to the house from my pocket and opened the front door. For the first time in my life I was actually mad at my own mother.


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