The walk home

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I froze staring into her eyes. She looked at me and started backing away from me. The look on her face was tragic almost like she had witness a murder. I closed my eyes and turned around facing away from her.

Dante~ How long... have you been thinking about this?

Twilight~ When I woke up from my three day coma and was waiting for you to wake up. When I saw you again after three weeks… to see you here, alive and healthy I felt happy for the first time in forever.

Dante~ Twilight it's great that you care about me. I care about you too but you have to realize I can't just make you into a night owl you have to be born a night owl.

Twilight~ Not exactly…

Dante~ Twilight… What are you hiding?

Twilight~ I lied to Rip when I told him that the only way to become a night owl is from birth… basically it's possible for someone to become a night owl but there is a catch.

Dante~ What's the catch.

Twilight~ Anyone who decides to become a night owl has to do one of the two things. Either I ask the leader to turn me into a night owl or I find true love with another night owl…

Dante~ Twilight…

Twilight~ I need to tell you this Dante…

Dante~ I'm listening...

Twilight~When I saw you fight pop and looked you in the eyes I didn't expect you to let him go. I thought you were gonna break his arm. When you let go of him you made me realize that maybe you were different from the others. Dante you're a really kind hearted person, someone who isn't afraid to do the right thing. And the first person in forever to give me a chance in Friendship… Dante…?

Dante~ Yes Twilight…?

Twilight~  Will you please help me…

Dante~ I can't help you Twilight I'm sorry…

The area was silent for a minute before the silence was broken.

Twilight~ I think I'm gonna get home it is getting late. I'll talk to you later Dante. 

Dante~ Yeah… hey wait your home is on the same road as mine I'll walk u there.

Twilight~ Oh ok…

I started to walk Twilight home mostly because of how late it was getting and I didn't want anything to happen to her. As we were walking I noticed Twilight looked a little scared after all it was a bit dark outside.

Dante~ Hey you ok?

Twilight~ I'm not used to walking late at night… it makes me feel unsafe…

I didn't want her to be scared so I had to let her know that we're going to be ok so I put my arm around her. I saw her blush a little but didn't think much about it.

Twilight~ Heh do you do this to all your friends.

Dante~ No I just wanted to let you know that you don't have to worry.

Twilight~ *blushes* Thank you…

Dante~ Not a problem Twi.

Twilight~ Twi…?

Dante~ You know short for Twilight. Do you not like that?

Twilight~ I love it actually. Nobody has ever given me a nickname before… not even… them…

Dante~ You mean your ex friends… hey can you explain to me exactly how y'all fell out.

Twilight~ One summer we all planned a trip to Hawaii right after school was out. Everything was ok. We were all at my house getting ready to go until Rainbow dash came into the house… she didn't have the best look on her face at all…

Night Owls Vol.1{An Unexpected Reunion}Where stories live. Discover now