Unexpected Reunion

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We arrived at the school and as suspected Pop and the Dawgs were hanging out by the gate. Just as we planned Applejack and I walked towards Pop and like I was told I made a little eye contact with him. Pop gave me a mean and dirty look. I have him one back but after that he stood up in front of me.

Pop~ Yo what's up you want a beating?

Dante~ You're a waste of my time I'm only gonna ask once get out of my way.

Pop~ What are you gonna do if I don't.

Dante~ You're gonna find out.

Applejack~ Dante no please.

Pop~ Applejack heh it's been a while since our… "fantastic night". How about I take you out tonight my treat heh.

Applejack~ Dante...

Applejack stood behind me as he got closer to her holding out his hand. I looked him directly in the eye grabbing his hand and nearly crushing it. A dark, glimmering aura surrounded me. My eyes turned darker than the night sky. I didn't really know exactly what kicked into me. It wasn't like what happened that day in the school cafeteria. I saw something the moment I grabbed his wrist. I saw a boy crying. I also heard a door slam the boy was scratching the door for some reason almost as if he was just disowned by his parents. The boy looked through the window and saw a woman and baby. The boy ran away crying through the woods telling himself the he'll never forgive her…. I felt more Sad than sinister… I knew what I saw had to be a memory… I snapped out of it and I noticed Pop looked at me not even phased by what was happening. I let go and stood away from him protecting Applejack.

Pop~ What's up why are you backing away all of the sudden not so damn tough are you now fucking rat.

Applejack~ Dante… are you ok?

Dante~ Where you abandoned…?

The area went quiet… Everyone didn't say a word. The area was so quiet all we could hear were the cars and trains traveling past the school. Pop broke the silence.

Pop~ Shut up... You better not bring that up ever again… or I'll kill you…

Dante~ Please I need to know this isn't something both me and you can just avoid and run away from.


Pop threw the heaviest hardest punch I've ever felt in my life. The punch was so heavy I could see struggle to pick up his arm.

Rainbow~ Pop STOP!

Pop~ Uhhhhh Dashie I... didn't know you were here. What are you doing here?

Rainbow~ I go to this school.

Sunset~ We all do.

Everyone in the front section was happy to see the mane seven standing right in front of them after years of being abused and used by the Dawgs. I never knew what it was like before but now I can experience and see how they keep the Dawgs from terrorising the school.

Rainbow~ I was told that you were the one who lied to me and tried to make my friend look like the bad guy. After seeing what just happened and hearing what you said I guess it's true and you can't persuade me to think otherwise. I thought you were a nice person but you're just a two faced cheater.

Pop~ Ugh so fucking what if I fucked your friend aren't you mad at her for letting me in the first place and not telling you.

Applejack~ You took advantage of me… You Did this to yourself!


Sunset~even if you refuse to change or accept the truth we still are gonna stop you from terrorising this school.

Pop started to glow blood red. He used his brute strength to punch sunset straight in the gut. She slowly went down coughing up her own blood.

Pop~ Anyone else want to mess with me! Or are you too much of a bitch to step up!?

Sunset was on the ground practically lifeless. Everyone was too scared to move a single muscle and my body was still shocked from that punch earlier. I saw Pop walk towards Applejack. He grabbed her by her neck and started choking her. I probably lost one of my friends I couldn't lose another I just couldn't. I did everything I could to make my body move again until I forced the process routing my energy through my body. The second I got back up I ran up to Pop and Jabbed him right in the face. The punch made him let go of Applejack. I ran over to Applejack hoping to God that she's ok.

Dante~ Applejack are you ok?

Applejack~ He nearly snapped my neck… he tried to kill me… is sunset ok?

Dante~ I don't know… take her to the nearest hospital and fast I'll deal with Pop.

Applejack and the others took sunset leaving the school and heading to the nearest hospital. I stayed behind trying to keep anyone out of danger. Pop stood back up and looked me in the eyes.

Pop~ You had the audacity to do that to me…

Dante~ There's more where that came from.

Pop~ Ugh you're going to die and I'm going to be your killer.

Dante~ I don't want to fight you at this point. I just want to talk. You have to tell me if it's true were you abandoned and by who?


Dante~ I have a brother!? AND YOU'RE A FUCKING NIGHT OWL!

Pop~ Of course you didn't know she made it her mission to make sure you didn't. Little did she know we go to the same school… I was tossed out at the age of 10 cuz all I could was kill it's the regular nature of our kind. But when everyone of us was getting the opportunity to become better freaks they still decided to kill us all because we killed their people and yes even the others that they call freaks the wanna be normals. I refused to become a better night owl because I wanted revenge and I killed anyone who stood in my way… except her… when she had you she threw me out she gave you everything you ever wanted and made your heart pure as white. And left me with my heart dark as black.

Dante~ Pop… I didn't know…

Pop~ DON'T TRY TO ACT LIKE YOU GET ME CUZ YOU DON'T! MOM NEVER FORCED YOU TO BE WHO YOU WERENT! MOM NEVER THREW YOU OUT LIKE YOU WERE A WASTE OF TIME! AND SHE GAVE YOU THE WORLD WHILE I WAS SHUNNED AND OUTCASTED! That's why when I see you everyday I get a burning passion to kill you… but I don't because I still love mom but she only gives her love to you and not me… She loved you more and always has.

Dante~ Pop please I want to help you.

Pop~ I needed help for years but nobody wanted to help me and when dad was killed I set out to find the man who killed him… but now I have a new destiny and that's to make sure that you're 10 feet in the ground.

Pop manifested his energy into a plasmic blade. He dashed at me swinging the black near my arm. The black sliced the skin of my arm leaving a massive cut and blood leaking. He attacked me again but this time I got away from him. I disappeared away from the school before he could kill me. I tried to make my way to the nearest hospital hoping my friends were there.

Pop~ DANTE! YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME! WHEN I FIND YOU I WILL KILL YOU! Mom will know how it feels to lose the one person who she cares about the most. Just like me.

Night Owls Vol.1{An Unexpected Reunion}Where stories live. Discover now