Turmoil in My Heart

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What spell have you cast upon me?
I once could break any of my bonds,
But I can't sever my bond with you.
Ropes, cables, and chains fell broken,
But yours cannot be severed by me.
I hacked at it with my blade to hide,
But the core of the cable is still there.
I can't bring myself to strike once more.
The thought of losing you terrifies me!
The thought of hurting you cuts me.
The thought of disappointing you,
Tears me to pieces like nothing else.
You have cast a spell upon my heart,
And only you can break it completely.
I will stay nearby, even for eternity,
If it means I get to see you happy.
If you choose another rather than me,
I will wish you the best and happiness.
Perhaps they will make you smile more
Than I could ever hope to if you were mine.
If you break my heart, that is fine.
If I break yours, I will die in agony.
You deserve the world, which I can't give.
You deserve to be happy for eternity.
If you need me, I'll be waiting nearby.
I am willing to be just a friend if needed,
But just know I might not move on.
You are my world, my love, my joy,
And I know that I may not be yours.
That is fine with me, as long as you're happy.
I am the dust while you are the gem.
I may want you, but you are not mine.
Perhaps I might change in the future,
But right now? I love you forever more.

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