Are WE Strong?

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What really separates the weak from the strong?
Their desire to grow, to change, and to learn.
Growing from failures that would set them back,
Changing to become better and stronger than before,
And the desire to learn from others and mistakes.

I find myself asking myself "What are my strengths?"
"How can I turn my weaknesses into strengths?"
I stumble and fall from time to time without fail.
When I fall, I choose to stand up again and move on.
I move forward, stumble, fall, get up, and repeat.

The question that weighs me down is "Am I strong?"
In groups I can hardly notice when I ask a new question.
"Are WE strong? Do we have the strength to continue?"
As I ponder this question, I realize that is the real question.
Are we strong? Do we lift each other up? What can I do?

My friends, I ask that we all ponder these questions.
Ask yourself daily how you can help other people,
And you will see the chance to help someone, if you look.
When we face challenges, could we hold on to hope?
Could we  be grateful for our human potential?

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