Running Too Long

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Oh I've been running for far too long.
My legs ache and scream at me to stop,
But I keep running from something
That I've forgotten cause I kept running!
There hasn't been a day I wanted rest.
I trained my legs too well to stop now.
I just keep running away from myself!
Is there a way to make me stop my legs?
I don't wanna pass out, but I can't stop.
May I have some help here? Please help.
My legs keep pumping to an alien rhythm
My feet pound the ground trying to go faster,
But I just can't go any faster then I am.
Is there someone who can help me stop?
Will someone help me find the strength,
The strength to stop my frantic running?

If I can't stop running so quickly away,
I feel like my heart will explode again.
Is there any way a coward take Fear on?
Oh! I need some help slowing down here.
Will someone lend a hand to help me?
I just wanna slow down, take my time,
And live my life to the fullest I can!
Is that too much to ask? Slow me down.
Hold me back from that destructive pace.
I'm fallin' apart at the seams right now.

So help me slow down! I wanna walk again.
I wanna walk with my peers and family.
There's nothing more that I wish for.
Help me slow down, and live my life.

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