A Rising Phoenix

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I am struck dumb by the look in your eyes.
Your passion, determination, and kindness,
Like a raging inferno that burns eternally,
Inspire me to become a better person now.

Like a phoenix, you rise from failure's ash
And become stronger, wiser, and kinder.
You lead me towards the path with patience,
Letting me know you'll try to help, if asked.

The embers from you have ignited my own,
And now I am ready to brace the trials ahead.
I will temper myself like an assassin's dagger,
Through blood, sweat, tears, and suffering.

Each time I stumble, I see someone helping me.
When I fall, I am shaken but not dissuaded.
Your face, and many others, push me onwards.
I will not fail you or those I wish to help!

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