Broken Nights

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Night arrives swiftly for me
However I can never seem to sleep
The night awakens around me

As night continues on I lay still
Thoughts flood my tired mind
All filled with doubt and fear

These doubts and fears are valid.
I doubt I did well that day
And I fear I'm not worthy

Your love has always seemed faint,
Foreign, even untouchable to me
I do as you ask for your love

Never have I received it
Without having to destroy myself
Completely and irreversibly before you

To receive sincere praise and love
What does that tell me to do?
To destroy myself for other's sake.

That is not what love really is,
Or so I've been told by others.
You remain before my eyes for now

Some day soon I will break free
Then I will love as you cannot
And forge my path with my trails
Feeling so free, happy, and loved.

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