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Note:- sameer is living in Delhi  and sometimes used to see his father and rakesh uncle on business meets but never talks to them. For the world and to his family sameer is most arrogant and top business man. Nobody is aware of his mafia business.

''sameer,what will you do if I die ''
''Don't even speak of death naina when I am with you even death will be afraid to near you ''sameer said closing naina's mouth with his hand indicating her to stop talking about dying.
''OK sameer but atleast say how ur life will be if I am not with you'' naina asked.
''close ur eyes ''sameer said and continued after she closed her eyes, ''what can you see''
''nothing'' said naina
''that's how my life will be without you'' sameer said
Naina smiled and said,''I love you sameer ''

''Ah I last thing........... I love you'' saying naina jumped off the mountain cliff

''Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!'' sameer woke up with sweating badly from his sleep. Sameer is having nightmares about the days when they were in love and the day when she left him forever.
Sameer saw his phone and remembered something,

his face become blank he slowly said, ''I miss you

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his face become blank he slowly said, ''I miss you........... Naina''. He Switch on the light, the room is full of naina's pic.
He moves towards her pic and starts speaking ,''it's been 8 years but till feels like yesterday, what I have done wrong naina why my fate is playing with me? I just thought to protect you and our family but you, I never thought u will think of dying that too in front my eyes itself. Do you know how much I controlled myself from reacting, if I reacted that day our family would have fallen in danger, after that also I  try to find you but never finds you. Now our family hates me but I don't care because they are safe but I lost u naina. Not only u I lost myself too. I lost all my emotions I forgot to smile, i forget to cry, i forgot to laugh the only thing  I know is anger only. Every year I wish that this day would never come,the day which took u from me. Whenever I see the mirror I hate myself naina   I love you naina.  I love you and I miss you.
I................   MISS...............   YOU.........naina...

While on the other side a beautiful mansion is shown

While on the other side a beautiful mansion is shown

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Inside 4 ladies are seen in kitchen making breakfast. Their faces are shown

they are Rama vishakha swathi preeti

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they are Rama vishakha swathi preeti. Even though they are rich they loves to make food on their own. Rama brought coffee for the men who are sitting in the living room and checking the presentation for their meeting.

After half an hour, breakfast is ready
While placing breakfast on the dinning table Rama shouted, ''NAINA ,COME DOWN AND HAVE YOUR BREAKFAST''.

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Next chapter will be posted tomorrow.
Till then bye bye 👋 👋

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