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''See Mr maheshwari I don't know what you have said yesterday is true or not, but now you are just an employee who works under me ,understand? '' Naina said in her bossy tone.
Sameer  just stared at her.
''Yes or no '' she shouted.
''yes '' sameer said.
''yes what?  Am I your girlfriend'' Naina asked.
'' yes mam I understood'' sameer said irritated.
''Now. Your work will be decided by me. And you are going to be my PA'' Naina smirking at sameer because he won't like if someone orders him.
'' yes mam'' sameer said.
''good. Now go and make me a coffee '' Naina said.
After sometime sameer brings the coffee.
Naina, smelled the coffee, ''yuck is this coffee '' saying she throws the coffee on him.
''Ah...... '' sameer shouted in pain.
''Don't shout, this pain is nothing compared to killing people '' Naina angrily and calmly said, ''Go and make me coffee again but this time it should taste good''
''you don't know who am I '' sameer said angrily.
''I know, you are a mafia right, the mafia devil'' naina said shocking sameer and then she asked, ''Don't you know who am I''.
For which sameer nodded negatively.
''Surprising. I thought after whatnI have done to you on conference meet, you would have known about me'' Naina said.
'' why should I known about you, i know you have created a big problem for me and made me your servant but it's just for few days''. Sameer said.
''oh my God! I have never seen someone so dumb. OK Mr maheshwari even now you did get any clue about me '' Naina said and continued, ''OK atleast answer my question. A lady mafia is behind you to kill you right. Do you know her name ''
'' They are not one but many people who are behind my life in mafia world so if it's man or woman, I don't care and remember there names '' sameer said.
''In that case, I am one of them'' Naina said shocking sameer who asked, ''who are you?''. 
''Do you know the mafia queen who has the same name of me ?''.
''yes ,but I have not seen her face because we don't show our face to hide our identity, even some of the mafia people have not seen my face too'' sameer said thinking whether she is the mafia queen.
''sameer I know what you are thinking and yes I am the mafia queen nithya devi '' naina said.
''But I am not shocked but excited because none have messed with me to this level. So Miss nithya devi ,let's see, who is going to win and who is going to die'' sameer said and went to make coffee.

Little naina came with photo of samaina and asked ''mumma atleast today tell me who are they?''.
''come here baby, chachu will tell you '' Pandit called her and after she comes Pandit continues, ''she is your chachi and her name is also naina, now go and play ''
''Chachu if I am not wrong I asked who are they and not who she is ''.
''naina! Is this the way you talk to elders, now go to your room''.  Munna yelled at his daughter.
After naina went, 
''munna, she is a child, don't shout at her'' vivek scolded munna.
''papa we have said her not to ask this question but again and again she is asking and why the hell you all still have his pic '' munna shouted.
''papa'' all turned their head towards the owner of the voice and found little naina staring at them.
''naina you still did go '' munna was about to drag her with him to her room but what she said shocked everyone, ''the one in the photo is sameer, sameer chachu. Am I correct? ''
''How do you know his name and his relationship with you? '' Rakesh asked coming out of shock.
''I have read preethi chachi's diary '' Naina said.
''Naina, reading others diary is very bad habit. But how did you read it '' swathi asked scolding her daughter.
''One day I saw chachi crying while seeing some photos and my curiosity leads me to this diary but it took me whole 2 months to read this '' Naina said recollecting how she read each page with difficultly.
''so now you know everything nothing is left to hide but don't take someone's diary without their permission''munna said and was about to open his laptop but naina again asked,'' but papa what happens to them because it's not written in the diary ''
'' yes I didn't write it because it's too painful'' preeti said.
''but I want to know '' little naina asked stubbornly.
''OK fine come '' vivek asked her to come and naina went to him and he started, ''sameer, your papa mumma , your chachu chachi and naina used to study in same school .
They started loving each other and was afraid to tell us this but when we get to know this we are so happy and we celebrated many functions together but everything changed when they are in college. A girl, sunaina entered their lives. At first she acted like a very good girl but one day she called sameer to her hometown saying her uncle is in critical stage and she is afraid to go alone, so we allowed her to go with sameer but after sameer comeback he started avoiding us. One day we lost our cool when we saw them together at a mountain edge and when we confronted sameer said he don't love naina anymore and now loves sunaina. Naina, unable to bear this jumps off the cliff ,after that we heard sameer shifted to Delhi, so whenever we have to go to Delhi for business meets only me and rakesh will go because munna and Pandit will definitely get emotional and confront him. After that we came to Mumbai from Ahmedabad to forget those things so don't talk about it beta. Please '' vivek finish saying the painful past which they can't get over till now.
''I am sorry. I won't ask about them''naina said and went to her room silently.

After sometime,
At dining hall,
Naina came and asked, ''daddy my vacations are going to start can we all go somewhere for vacation ''
''sorry dear I have some work '' munna said.
''I  know you will say this only, no one loves me right. During vacation all my friends are going out except me'' little naina said and stated crying.

''No no its nothing like that baby, we all love you

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''No no its nothing like that baby, we all love you. The matter is, we have alread planned everything for our London trip and thought to surprise you but you spoiled it'' munna said to his daughte.
''oh no I am sorry '' naina said showing her teeth.

''Sameer we have a business meet in London. So we are going there, be prepared'' Naina said and left from there.
''It's you who should be prepared Miss nithya devi because  owner of 'ss industries ' is there and I can introduce him to you and finish your chapter as well '' sameer said smirking and left from there informing sunaina about his plan.

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