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They called samaina and informed it to them but they answer shocked everyone.
"No we can't marry each other" samaina shouted.............................
"But why? " Pandit asked..
"why means seriously you all don't know?
We still want answer for why karthik did all this and anjali Maari relation etc etc" sameer said and naina continues, "and we need to come out of this mafia business so that we can lead a happy life and for our happiness no need to stop preedit wedding"
"No we will wait... "preeti said and Pandit nodded his head in assurance.
"OK but be careful now karthik is gone, so do whatever you want and come out of this mafia world" vivek said and was about to go from there when sameer called him, "Papa please atleast say now why karthik did all this"
"OK I will say" vivek said and sat on the sofa and started talking, "30 years ago, me, Rakesh, kamalesh and Anand are best friends. One day we promised each other to be with each other till our last breath, so we thought to marry a girl gang of 4 members who has the same idea as us. That's when we found your mothers. But as kamalesh has only karthik we brought karthik with us to live with us and that's the worst decision taken by us......... After you all born, sunaina's mom died while giving birth and after 6 months of your birth, one day we take kamalesh out to change his mind and bring him out of the loss of his wife and left you kids with karthik. Actually Karthik had the habit of taking drugs which we were unaware of and was also friend of mafia leader. That day without our knowledge karthik took our signature and was about to name everything on his friend's name to get free drugs from his daily but 6 months old sameer while playing with toys touched the phone with was kept besides him and because of that unknowingly he called me. Thinking karthik must be calling me for help, I picked the call but heard his words and plan to transfer our properties, we all immediately rushed home and Rakesh tored the paper into pieces and slapped his.
We thrown his out of the house but 2 weeks later, karthik came to us and said he was sorry for all the trouble and he want to change. So we thought to give his a chance and allowed him to stay with us and when you kids are nearly 1 year old that incident happened because of which we are separated and we lived in separate mansion because we can't lose our remaining family but after few years when you are all with your teens, that time we came to know about your love and when we came to know that my sons lovers are my best friends daughters we are so happy about that after so long we are united by our kids" vivek said with a heavy voice and continued, "but sameer how you came to know that karthik is the one behind our family's separation?"
"Dad, when we came to know about Anand uncle and kamalesh uncle was also our family ,I asked my PA to search about the place where kamalesh uncle was a mafia to protect people and get to know the address of one of the right hand of the old mafia head. When I asked him... No not asked... I threatened him... He said what relation karthik had with their boss and their friendship and also Karthik's plan of ruining our family" sameer finished saying and at the time a parcel is delivered to them.
Swathi opened it and found out that it is a pen drive. Inserting it in laptop all saw karthik sitting fit and fine, all are shocked but then get relief hearing his words but only to get another shock............
"Hey everyone!  You all must be thinking how came a dead person is speaking to you right? Then listen it's taken before my dead.
Yes I know surely that either I will survive today or you all will survive but if I die also I won't let you in peace. So if I die this message from me will receive you. Hmmnmmm.... Ready to hear the message? OK so when kamalesh's wife gave  birth that time only she died right but it's not...... Actually my dear brother had twins. I using fake videos showed his wife that you are all planning to kill her and her daughters as both are girls and I said that all of you had boys and she is the only one who had girls and as that day luck is with me ,sunaina had some problems and doctors took her with them and she believes that you all already killed one of her daughter and with the fear of losing the second one, she ran and hid in the ambulance to escape but as I thought the bomb I planted in the ambulance blast killing my brother's wife with their daughter. Using the influence of my friend, I bribed the doctor and brought a woman who is already dead with same appearance of his wife and changed her face and kept her in the place of his wife. As the ambulance blast no one gets to know that a person was inside and you people think the unknown woman has your friend's wife while the original one was burning along with a hours old baby" saying he started laughing evilishly.
All are shocked and sitting with different emotions.......


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