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''Sameer sameer where are you going? '' naina shouted raning behind sameer.
Sameer just hugs naina and cried while naina is confused.
"sameer, why are you crying, that little girl spoken the truth only. Haven't you made a innocent to commit suicide and now you are cheating your wife right?" naina asked and sameer stopped crying realizing he is losing his control.
Keeping a emotionless face, he started speaking, "OK leave me, but what about you?you know that I am married then why did you say that I am your boyfriend?"
Naina doesn't know what to say, ''I... I.. "
"OK OK don't try too much, I know you did get any reason to say,leave it. Let's go back"
Sameer said and gets inside the car.
The journey back to sunaina's mansion was very silent. Both did speak to each other.
After reaching, ''Nithya mam I don't think we will be great friends, so let's talk only about business and nothing else" sameer said and naina just nodded and went inside.
In naina's room
naina called chacha chachi and informed them the things which happened a while ago but chachi chachu is confused of sameer behavior but all thought he is up to something and is acting.
But on the other side
Sunaina's room
"I lost again sunaina. Today after much thinking I thought to reveal everything to nithya and Propose but..... "sameer just sat there like a zombie and continued, "no sunaina I don't love nithya, I  just lost my control seeing the Similarities between naina and nithya "
"yeah sameer that's the truth but if you said the truth and then we will get everything we lost and maybe nithya's love will make you fell for her in future " sunaina tried to explain him but then sameer told what happened when they went out.
"sameer I think we should say the truth, there is no news of him till now'' sunaina said.
''no sunaina before killing him we can't think of saying the truth. Do you forget naina died because she thought I cheated her, if we say the truth then her death will be wasted" sameer said and sunaina don't know what to say because what he is saying is correct.

Here naina's room,
"I feel like he is innocent, his eyes says that but I heard him talking sweetly to sunaina and he is married with kids and now romance me shamelessly. These things are enough to conclude that he is trying to get my sympathy. Yes I got it. He must have thought that if he acted like getting emotional seeing his family and their talks then I will comfort him and he can win me. Oh no I spoiled it" naina said and called someone, "see you need to kidnap sameer maheshwari, don't worry your work will be easy because when you kidnap him he will lose his conscious" saying naina cuts the call and said, "it's time for your death Mr maheshwari. Don't worry you will get all the pain which you gave me before dying " naina smirked and called sameer asking to come to her room to discuss about something important.

"why you called me nithya mam" sameer asked getting inside the room.
"sameer there is a problem in the company and we have to be right there now. shall we leave?" naina said and they left.

Naina is driving the car. "Mam you are driving in wrong direction. You are supposed to take left" sameer said but naina stopped the car before a building and said, "sameer,I will tell you everything but get down and come with me" sameer just followed naina.
Both reached the terrace and naina started speaking, "sameer I realized you are innocent very late only. Please forgive me.
Let's start afresh" naina said and sameer is happy to hear that atleast one person is trusting him without knowing the truth.
"OK nithya mam we can be friends again" sameer said smiling happily.
"But I need to say another thing but I will after our friendship celebration" saying naina forwarded a drink with a fake blush.
Both had the drink and sameer asked naina to say what she wants to say.
"Sameer I don't know how to say...... I feel shy......... I...... You..... You....... I" before she would say he fainted.
"you want me to propose you right but Mr maheshwari that will never happen and tomorrow is your last day" saying naina signed her men to take sameer from there.


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