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Suddenly Maari remembers his wife and gets tear eyed.

He closed his eyes and remembered how she died because of him.

"Dad I know you are thinking mom died due to you but it's not like that..... Please read this" Saying Kaali forwarded a dairy

After Reading Maari is shocked to react.

He saw anjali with tear and forwarded her the dairy

It's written that

Hey Rowdybaby ,
If you are reading this it's sure that I won't be alive.
Maari as you know anjali is my adoptive sister. But either me or my parents treated her like that.
But before she was adopted she studied in government school till 5th standard and loved a guy and he too loved her. When she told me this when we were in 8th class I thought it's just puppy love which will vanish in few years but Maari she still loves him.
And why am telling you this is.........
Once she showed me his photo and yesterday I saw something in your phone which shocked me. I don't have the power to say what I saw. Please turn to last page and see it yourself.

(When Pallavi started saying about her childhood crush itself anjali got some fear which got confirmed when she saw Maari's 5th grade pic...... She turned back to the page and continue reading Pallavi's letter hoping her gusses is wrong but........)

So yes Maari it's you who my sister loves till now even though she doesn't know that it's you. Maari am going to karthik's place to arrest him. If I return also I will die in guilt of snatching her happiness.

Before finish reading itself anjali threw the dairy and started crying, "who said you snatched my happiness. Even now after reading this also I never felt like that pallu. What I have done I killed my family"
Saying anjali ran from there in tears.

Here at AM Mansion,

"Beta now tell what happened to Pallavi and her family" Rakesh asked naina

"Dad actually Pallavi is a police officer who for a undercover operation changes her name as anandhi and tries to befriend Maari so that she can arrest the main criminals. But what starts for operation ends as love and she fell for Maari. When she arrested those criminals.... Maari came to know that she is police he felt cheated as he also started loving her. Then after many days both united and married after getting blessings from Pallavi's family. All lived happily when that happened..... Those criminals who Pallavi arrested are karthik's men and karthik planned to finish them.

"Mom please read fully" kaali said wiping her tears

Anjali got emotional hearing mom from his mouth.... So she took the dairy and started reading,

When karthik planned to attract our family only I got this photo and realized you are my sister's love and you also loved her once. Am going to stop karthik. If I die please marry anjali and give her the happiess she deserves. If I return I will say everything to her honestly and the final decision will be hers. But Maari honestly speaking I don't want to return because I know she will surely sacrifice her happiness. And if I die there should be someone who take cares of Kaali. Please it's my last wish. BYE.

"Mom please marry dad" kaali said

"First say how you got this" Maari asked entering the room. He looks cool. He is not sad or tensed which surprised anjali.

"Dad I got this from our old house. As you know we rarely visited that house as it reminds you of mom. Last week when we went there I got this in your and mom's room. I know you locked it and never allowed anyone to touch a thing from the room. But I opened it after taking the key without your knowledge and while seeing mom's things I saw this dairy and after listening to your story mom's death which uncle(maari's friend) told to sameer uncle's family that day... I decided to unite you both for my Pallavi mom" Kaali said.

Both anjali and Maari are stunned.

At AM mansion

"And Pallavi went to arrest karthik but karthik already kidnapped anjali and their parents. When Pallavi reached.......... Karthik tied Pallavi and anjali and killed their parents and went away saying his henchmen to kill Pallavi anjali. But Pallavi saved anjali and killed all the goons but a goon shot her..... With much struggle Pallavi brought a unconscious anjali out and when she went inside to bring her dead parents with tears in her eyes.... She failed to notice petrol leaking from one of the rowdy's bike and a cigarette which the goon light up to use was about to fall in the petrol..... At the time anjali gained consciousness when she saw the cigarette about to fall she shouted Pallavi and that time Maari came there and closed anjali's mouth and dragged her to a safe place nearby....... When Pallavi noticed the cigarette and about to take it...... It fell on petrol burning the place..... But before that Pallavi saw karthik standing there smirking..... Even in that situation she feared for anjali and saw her struggling in Maari's hold... Trying to come out of it to help her but Pallavi nodded no making anjali to stand quietly and safe with Maari and both looking at her with tears.... And in front of their eyes she died due to bullet shot before the fire reaches her" Naina said and continued, "Karthik doesn't know that Maari anjali escaped but when he came to know that time itself anjali went to London after killing those criminals and using her power gave me all details of most wanted criminals. And Maari become shield of kamalesh's uncle village people and becoming more powerful"

"Oh but that day why anjali said Maari killed Pallavi" Rakesh asked.

"Dad she just overreacted as I said that day Maari closed anjali's mouth and stopped her from shouting..... She thought if Maari didn't drag her with him and let her help Pallavi her sister would have been alive..... And she believes Maari is the reason for Pallavi death and also anjali is thinking if Pallavi didn't marry Maari then she would have been alive" preeti said.





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