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''Nithya mam come let's have some tea from the tea stall'' both get down and enjoys the rain under one umbrella with little romance.
''sameer you know about my Mafia business right. Actually I used to kill only wrong people. So in my crimes a CBI office is also helping me. Can we go and meet her. Ah.... One thing even she has not seen my face yet '' naina said but sameer asked, ''but how can a CBI helps a mafia?''
For which naina said, ''actually few years ago her family is brutally killed in a car accident which was caused by few drunkens. But those criminals escape because they belong to rich family. And one day I saw her killing them averaging her family's death and we made a deal that she will inform me about bad criminals and I will kill them and she will cover up the case using her influence''
Naina said and they went to the house.
''hey anjali how are you? '' naina asked getting inside the house.
''I am fine nithya and who is this '' anjali asked

 ''I am fine nithya and who is this '' anjali asked

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''my boyfriend'' naina said.
''sameer'' a little girl angrily called him.
Sameer is confused and asked, ''who are you beta, I have not seen you anywhere''
''but I have seen your pics in our house'' the girl said confusing them.
''Naina!''again a voice came and both samaina are shocked to hear the name and the person who called her also.
The whole Aggarwal and Maheshwari family is standing there.
''Naina come with me, why are you speaking to strangers'' swathi said and sameer feels hurt but did show it.
''momma I am not speaking. I was about to scold him but you came'' little naina said but samaina are shocked and emotional because they are seeing the whole family together but did show it.
''No need, come let's go'' munna said and was about to drag her when she said, ''I said wait. I will confront him today only'' saying she turned towards samaina and
Said, ''may I know what you are doing here''. Anjali said, ''naina beta, she is my friend nithya and he is her bf''.

''bf, you don't know anything anjali auntie about this cheap person''little naina said and turned towards sameer and said, ''Mr maheshwari,before starting conversation, let me introduce myself to you

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''bf, you don't know anything anjali auntie about this cheap person''little naina said and turned towards sameer and said, ''Mr maheshwari,before starting conversation, let me introduce myself to you. I am naina maheshwari, daughter of munna and swathi maheshwari. And I don't need your introduction because recently I got to know how cheap person you are''saying she turned towards naina and said, ''nithya auntie please leave him. He first cheated my naina auntie who committed suicide after his betrayal and he married a woman named sunaina and now cheating on her with you'' again little naina turned towards sameer and said, ''please let us live in peace, I know you don't know about us being here but now you know, so please leave'' saying little naina ran towards her mom while sameer went out not because of little naina's talk but if he stays there for few minutes then he will definitely say the truth and everything will be wasted.
''Anjali who are they'' nithya asked
''actually she is preeti my team partner (preeti is a CBI officer ) and they came to London for naina's vacation and thought to visit me'' anjali said.
''Hello everyone'' naina said trying to be normal.
''Hi'' both the family said and naina went saying she need to see sameer.
''This is the reason why I feared to take munna Pandit for meetings in Delhi but instead of them, my granddaughter did it'' vivek said being upset.
''dad naina doesn't say anything wrong. But dad why I think you are not worried for us but is worried for your so-called son and thinking whether he is hurt or not'' Pandit said but Rakesh said, ''Pandit mind your words. He is your father. And listen one thing, we always think about you all only''
''Sameer sameer where are you going? '' naina shouted raning behind sameer.
Sameer just hugs naina and cried while naina is confused.


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